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Introduction to ChainerRL

June 10, 2017

Introduction to ChainerRL

Chainer Meetup #05, translated to English


June 10, 2017


  1. Self introduction • Toshiki Kataoka / toslunar • 2016.12– Preferred

    Networks • Recently worked on ChainerRL for Chainer v2
  2. ChainerRL github.com/chainer/chainerrl • RL
 = Reinforcement Learning
 • an extension

    of Chainer 2017.03.27 ChainerRL v0.1.0 2017.06.08 ChainerRL v0.2.0 ChainerRL
  3. What's Reinforcement Learning • Learn actions that maximize rewards from

    an environment agent environment action observation, reward
  4. Algorithms of RL (1/2) • Q-learning • Function to be

    learned: Q*(s, a)
 (sum of rewards for
 best actions after
 acting a at state s) • Watkins '89 • Mnih+ '13 (deep) s a Q*(s, a) ≈ −5.7 a = argmax
 Q*(s, _) … or random
  5. Algorithms of RL (2/2) • Policy gradient • Function to

    be optimized: π(s)
 (action at state s) • Simultaneously learn e.g. Qπ(s, a)
 (sum of rewards for actions on policy π) • Williams '92, Sutton+ '99 • Lillicrap+ '15 (deep) s a Qπ(s, a) ≈ −5.7 a = π(s) + ε
  6. • Learn results of actions • Act to the best

    of its learned knowledge • If implemented carelessly,
 it will be a spaghetti code Acting and learning are inseparable
  7. In ChainerRL for _ in range(1000): obs = env.reset() reward

    = 0.0 done = False while not done: action = agent.act_and_train(obs, reward) obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) agent.stop_episode_and_train(obs, reward, done) agent.save('final_agent')
  8. How to make envs (1/2) • To do it yourself

    • resetting: env.reset • step execution: env.step • E.g. Guess Number Game • Choose the secret value on resetting • Return the comparison ("observation") to the agent's guess ("action") class GuessNumberEnv (object): def reset(self): self._state = np.random.uniform(-1, 1) obs = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1], dtype=np.float32) return obs def step(self, action): assert action.shape == (1,) diff = action[0] - self._state obs = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float32) obs[1 + int(np.sign(diff))] = 1 reward = np.random.normal(0, 1) - abs(diff) return obs, reward, False, None # not done, no info
  9. How to make envs (2/2) • Use environments available at

    OpenAI Gym import gym env = gym.make('CartPole-v1')
  10. How to make agents (e.g. Deep Q-Network) model = chainerrl.q_functions.FCStateQFunctionWithDiscreteAction(

    env.observation_space.low.size, env.action_space.n, n_hidden_channels=64, n_hidden_layers=1) opt = chainer.optimizers.Adam() opt.setup(model) rbuf = chainerrl.replay_buffer.ReplayBuffer(None) explorer = chainerrl.explorers.LinearDecayEpsilonGreedy(1.0, 0.1, 10**4,
 random_action_func=env.action_space.sample) agent = chainerrl.agents.DQN(model, opt, rbuf, gamma=0.98, explorer=explorer, target_update_interval=100, replay_start_size=10**3)
  11. Changing models (1/2) A model of DQN has:
 inputs =

    states; outputs = Q-values for each action • Use models available at ChainerRL model = chainerrl.q_functions.FCStateQFunctionWithDiscreteAction( dim_obs, n_action, n_hidden_channels, n_hidden_layers) • Convert your Chain for ChainerRL model = chainerrl.q_functions.SingleModelStateQFunctionWithDiscreteAction( MyChain(dim_obs, n_action)) model s Q(s, a1) Q(s, a2) … …
  12. Changing models (2/2) • Normalized Advantage Function for continuous-action environments

    model = chainerrl.q_functions.FCQuadraticStateQFunction( dim_obs, dim_action, n_hidden_channels, n_hidden_layers, action_space) • (BTW, explorer with Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is better, as it's used in DDPG) explorer = chainerrl.explorers.AdditiveOU(...)
  13. Changing replay buffers Replay buffer is for giving variation in

    a minibatch
 by sampling from (saved) memories • One can choose size of buffer, and algorithm of sampling rbuf = chainerrl.replay_buffer.ReplayBuffer(5 * 10**5) rbuf = chainerrl.replay_buffer.EpisodicReplayBuffer(10**4) rbuf = chainerrl.replay_buffer.PrioritizedReplayBuffer(5 * 10**5)
  14. Changing algorithms • To use improved DQNs (e.g. Double DQN),

    just change the line agent = chainerrl.agents.DQN(...) to the line agent = chainerrl.agents.DoubleDQN(...) • Replay buffer & explorer can be unchanged
 for algorithms (e.g. DDPG) with different types of models
  15. Implemented algorithms • Q-learning algorithms: • Deep Q-Network, • Double

    DQN, • Normalized Advantage Function, • (Persistent) Advantage Learning, • Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic, • Asynchronous N-step Q-learning • Path Consistency Learning • Policy gradient methods: • Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient, • SVG(0), • Actor-Critic with Experience Replay
  16. Training loops in ChainerRL • chainerrl.experiments.train_agent allows one • to

    evaluate with test environment for some interval of iterations
 (to draw learning curves) • to save models automatically • This is not Trainer in Chainer :( • TBD
  17. Parallelization • Agents are parallelized in some algorithms (e.g. A3C)

    • RL's mainstream is async update • train_agent_async in ChainerRL will execute with multi-processes ChainerRL async ChainerMN sync
  18. Concluding remarks • Let's do RL with ChainerRL • Many

    algorithms (including newest ones) are implemented • Many parts of algorithms are reusable • Give me feedbacks • Features/algorithms to be implemented • Interfaces github.com/chainer/chainerrl