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From Funded to Self-Funded: The Story of Weddin...

Tracy Osborn
April 05, 2016

From Funded to Self-Funded: The Story of WeddingLovely

My presentation at #MicroConf. :)

Tracy Osborn

April 05, 2016


  1. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Co-founders are great, but

    don’t let the lack of a cofounder hold you back.
  2. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Don’t be smarmy! Look

    at these meetings as a way to make a new friend.
  3. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Lesson learned #4 Write

    as much as possible — the good, and the bad.
  4. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Lesson learned #5 Establish

    expectations early on when in talks for acquiring.
  5. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Lesson learned #7 Have

    as little expenses as possible so your business can last as long as possible.
  6. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Lessons learned #8 Don’t

    waffle back and forth on funding vs. bootstrapping
  7. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Lessons learned #9 Don’t

    be afraid to hire remote workers and virtual assistants
  8. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Launch an MVP ASAP,

    as you never know what opportunities might arise.
  9. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Launch an MVP ASAP,

    as you never know what opportunities might arise. Network, network, network — the people you 
 meet might lead you to the next big thing.
  10. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Launch an MVP ASAP,

    as you never know what opportunities might arise. Network, network, network — the people you 
 meet might lead you to the next big thing. HUSTLE. If you want something, don't shy 
 away from working for it.
  11. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Write about your experiences,

    good and bad, as 
 your writing might lead to more opportunities.
  12. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Write about your experiences,

    good and bad, as 
 your writing might lead to more opportunities. If you have an acquisition inquiry, make sure 
 you're on the same page to save everyone's time.
  13. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Write about your experiences,

    good and bad, as 
 your writing might lead to more opportunities. If you have an acquisition inquiry, make sure 
 you're on the same page to save everyone's time. Never give up, never surrender. Or at least, 
 don't give up easily.
  14. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Cut your expenses as

    much as possible to give your future company as much runway as possible.
  15. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Cut your expenses as

    much as possible to give your future company as much runway as possible. Don't flip flop between bootstrapping and fundraising. Once you change to fundraising, it's really hard to go back to bootstrapping.
  16. TRACY O SBOR N @limedaring MICROCONF Hire remote workers for

    easily replicated tasks. Automate everything as much as possible. Save yourself time to focus on bigger picture things.