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The Rendering Revolution: Running Apps in the B...

The Rendering Revolution: Running Apps in the Browser with Ember.js

Trek Glowacki

October 24, 2013

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  1. Router Route Controller View/Template Model/Data how do I translate user

    interaction in this context into intent (e.g. a "click" into "show me more")? how do I present the data for this context?
  2. App = Ember.Application.create(); App.Router.map(function(){ this.route("about"); this.route("favorites", { path: "/favs" });

    }); <!-- application.hbs --> <h1>Welcome to Ember.js</h1> <nav> {{#link-to 'about'}}About{{/link-to}} {{#link-to 'favorites'}}Favorites{{/link-to}} {{outlet}}<!-- filled with child template when you navigate into route --> </nav> <!-- favorites.hbs --> <h2>Favorites<h2> <ul> <li>...</li> <li>...</li> </ul> <!-- about.hbs --> <h2>About<h2>
  3. App = Ember.Application.create(); App.Router.map(function(){ this.route("about"); this.route("favorites", { path: "/favs" });

    }); <!-- application.hbs --> <h1>Welcome to Ember.js</h1> <nav> {{#link-to 'about'}}About{{/link-to}} {{#link-to 'favorites'}}Favorites{{/link-to}} {{outlet}}<!-- filled with child template when you navigate into route --> </nav> <!-- favorites.hbs --> <h2>Favorites<h2> <ul> <li>...</li> <li>...</li> </ul> <!-- about.hbs --> <h2>About<h2>
  4. App = Ember.Application.create(); App.Router.map(function(){ this.route("about"); this.route("favorites", { path: "/favs" });

    }); App.AboutRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(){ return $.ajax({ url: '/api/currentUser/profile' }); } });
  5. App = Ember.Application.create(); App.Router.map(function(){ this.route("about"); this.route("favorites", { path: "/favs" });

    }); App.AboutRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(){ var self = this; $('#a-loader).show(); $.ajax({ url: '/api/currentUser/profile', success: function(response){ $('#a-loader).hide(); self.renderWithSomeData(response); } }); } });
  6. App = Ember.Application.create(); App.Router.map(function(){ this.route("about"); this.route("favorites", { path: "/favs" });

    }); App.AboutRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(){ return $.ajax({ url: '/api/currentUser/profile' }); } }); { name: 'trek', bio: 'Much shorter than you expect' }
  7. App = Ember.Application.create(); App.Router.map(function(){ this.route("about"); this.route("favorites", { path: "/favs" });

    }); <!-- favorites.hbs --> <h2>Favorites<h2> <ul> <li>...</li> <li>...</li> </ul> <!-- about.hbs --> <h2>About<h2> <!-- application.hbs --> <h1>Welcome to Ember.js</h1> <nav> {{#link-to 'about'}}About{{/link-to}} {{#link-to 'favorites'}}Favorites{{/link-to}} {{outlet}}<!-- filled with child template when you navigate into route --> </nav>
  8. App = Ember.Application.create(); App.Router.map(function(){ this.route("about"); this.route("favorites", { path: "/favs" });

    }); <!-- favorites.hbs --> <h2>Favorites<h2> <ul> <li>...</li> <li>...</li> </ul> <!-- about.hbs --> <h1>About<h1> <h2>{{name}}<h2> <div class='bio'> {{bio}} </div> <!-- application.hbs --> <h1>Welcome to Ember.js</h1> <nav> {{#link-to 'about'}}About{{/link-to}} {{#link-to 'favorites'}}Favorites{{/link-to}} {{outlet}}<!-- filled with child template when you navigate into route --> </nav>
  9. App = Ember.Application.create(); App.Router.map(function(){ this.route("about"); this.route("favorites", { path: "/favs" });

    }); App.FavoritesRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(){ return $.ajax({ url: '/api/currentUser/favorites' }); } }); [ {"id": 1, "title": "Hoverbike Captains of the SS"}, {"id": 2, "title": "The Terrifying Madness That Lies Beyond"} ]
  10. App = Ember.Application.create(); App.Router.map(function(){ this.route("about"); this.route("favorites", { path: "/favs" });

    }); <!-- favorites.hbs --> <h2>Favorites<h2> <ul> <li>...</li> <li>...</li> </ul> <!-- about.hbs --> <h1>About<h1> <h2>{{name}}<h2> <div class='bio'> {{bio}} </div> <!-- application.hbs --> <h1>Welcome to Ember.js</h1> <nav> {{#link-to 'about'}}About{{/link-to}} {{#link-to 'favorites'}}Favorites{{/link-to}} {{outlet}}<!-- filled with child template when you navigate into route --> </nav>
  11. App = Ember.Application.create(); App.Router.map(function(){ this.route("about"); this.route("favorites", { path: "/favs" });

    }); <!-- favorites.hbs --> <h2>Favorites<h2> <ul> {{#each}} <li> {{title}} </li> {{/each}} </ul> <!-- about.hbs --> <h1>About<h1> <h2>{{name}}<h2> <div class='bio'> {{bio}} </div> <!-- application.hbs --> <h1>Welcome to Ember.js</h1> <nav> {{#link-to 'about'}}About{{/link-to}} {{#link-to 'favorites'}}Favorites{{/link-to}} {{outlet}}<!-- filled with child template when you navigate into route --> </nav>
  12. var Rdio = Ember.Application.create(); Rdio.Router.map(function(){}); Rdio.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(){

    return $.ajax({ url: "/api/authenticate" }) } }); <!-- application.hbs --> {{outlet}} <!-- loading.hbs --> <div class="loading-container"> <span class="icon-loading spinner"/> </div>
  13. { username: 'trek', messageCount: 4, playlists: [ {id: 981, title:

    "Everyday I'm shufflin'"}, {id: 191, title: "RUNNIN"} ] }
  14. <div class='navigation'> <ul> <h3>Browse</h3> <li>{{#link-to "heavyRotation"}}Heavy Rotation{{/link-to}}</li> <li>{{#link-to "recentActivity"}}Recent Activity{{/link-to}}</li>

    <li>{{#link-to "topCharts"}}Top Charts{{/link-to}}</li> <li>{{#link-to "newReleases"}}New Releases{{/link-to}}</li> <li>{{#link-to "stations"}}Stations{{/link-to}}</li> </ul>
  15. <ul> <h3>Playlists</h3> <ul> {{#each playlists}} {{#link-to "playlist" this}} {{name}} {{/link-to}}

    {{/each}} </ul> </ul> { username: 'trek', messageCount: 4, playlists: [ {id: 981, title: "Everyday I'm shufflin'"}, {id: 191, title: "RUNNIN"} ] }
  16. var Rdio = Ember.Application.create(); Rdio.Router.map(function(){ this.route("heavyRotation") }); Rdio.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({

    model: function(){ return $.ajax({ url: "/api/authenticate" }) } }); Rdio.HeavyRotationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(){ return $.ajax({ url: "/api/heavyRotation" }) } });
  17. [ { title: "The Speed of Things", artistName: "Dale Earnhardt

    Jr. Jr.", songsCount: 13, isExplicit: false, imageUrl: "/images/c10efa31.png" }, { title: "I Love You", artistName: "The Neighbourhood", songsCount: 11, isExplicit: true, imageUrl: "/images/9ec1ce1.png" } {...}, {...} ]
  18. <!-- heavyRotation.hbs --> <h3>Heavy Rotation</h3> {{#each}} {{link-to "album" this}} <div

    class="album-"> </div> {{title}} {{artistName}} {{songsCount}} songs {{#if isExplicit}} EXPLICIT {{/if}} {{/link-to}} {{/each}}
  19. <!-- heavyRotation.hbs --> <h3>Heavy Rotation</h3> {{#each}} {{link-to "album" this}} <div

    class="album-"> </div> {{title}} {{artistName}} {{songsCount}} songs {{#if isExplicit}} EXPLICIT {{/if}} {{/link-to}} {{/each}} [ { title: "I Love You", artistName: "The Neighbourhood", songsCount: 11, isExplicit: true, imageUrl: "/images/9ec1ce1.png" } ]
  20. { title: "The Speed of Things", artistName: "Dale Earnhardt Jr.

    Jr.", songsCount: 13, isExplicit: false, imageUrl: "/images/c10efa31.png", playCount: 32694, songs: [ {trackNumber: 1, title: "Beautiful Dream"}, {trackNumber: 2, title: "Run"} ] }
  21. Rdio.Router.map(function(){ this.resource("artist", {path: "artist/:artist_id"}, function(){ this.route("albums", {path: '/'}); this.route("songs"); })

    }); Rdio.ArtistRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(params){ return $.ajax({ url: "/api/artist/" + params.artist_id }); } }); Rdio.ArtistAlbumsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(parmas, transition){ return $.ajax({ url: "/api/artist/" + transition.params.artist_id + "/albums" }); } });
  22. Rdio.Router.map(function(){ this.resource("artist", {path: "artist/:artist_id"}, function(){ this.route("albums", {path: '/'}); this.route("songs"); })

    }); Rdio.ArtistRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(params){ return $.ajax({ url: "/api/artist/" + params.artist_id }); } }); Rdio.ArtistSongsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(parmas, transition){ return $.ajax({ url: "/api/artist/" + transition.params.artist_id + "/songs" }); } });
  23. Rdio.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(){ return $.ajax({ url: "/api/authenticate" })

    }, renderTemplate: function(){ this._super(); this.render('playbar', { into: 'application', outlet: 'playbar' }); } });
  24. current controller current route {{#each tracks}} <ul> <li {{action "play"

    this}}> {{trackNumber}} {{name}} </li> </ul> {{/each}} parent route application route ...
  25. Rdio.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ actions: { play: function(song){ this.controllerFor('playbar').send('play', song); }

    } }); Rdio.PlaybarController = Ember.Controller.extend({ actions: { play: function(song){ ... } } });