I was invited to speak at Ignite London 4 as part of Global Ignite Week, sponsored by O'Reilly. My talk was about how standards changed the world, and was delivered in exactly 5 minutes, with 20 slides and 15 seconds per slide.
Components: Build 6me: Single unit cost: Produc6on: 58 tonnes 511 mph 4000 miles Approx 5 million (depends how you count) 8 months £46 million 4,526 units (since 1988) Complexity: Breathtaking
Web sites today: Web pages today: Data size today: Current growth: HTTP 1.1 / RFC 2616 1991 (last update 1999) 234 million 1.3 trillion (2009) 5 million terabytes 50m websites per year The standards for the web HTTP and HTML: