public void testAReallyLongNameIsAGoodThing() {} } Foo - is a singleton - a really long name is a good thing 5FTU%PY"HJMF%PY CZ$ISJT4UFWFOTPO IUUQBHJMFEPYTPVSDFGPSHFOFU ςετίʔυ͔ΒυΩϡϝϯτੜ
end it { @stack.should be_empty } it { @stack.should_not be_full } it "should add to the top when sent #push" do @stack.push "newly added top item" @stack.peek.should == "newly added top item" end end 34QFD։ൃ։࢝
desired> As a <role> I want <feature> So that <business value> Scenario: <some determinable business situation> Given <some precondition> And <some other precondition> When <some action by the actor> And <some other action> Then <some testable outcome is achieved> And <something else we can check happens too> $VDVNCFS͕34QFD͔Βಠཱ