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"What's new in Swift"の要約 / swift_5_7_summary

June 24, 2022

"What's new in Swift"の要約 / swift_5_7_summary

集まれSwift好き!Swift愛好会スピンオフ WWDC22セッション要約会 @オンライン

## 参考リンク

- 個人まとめ

- Xcode 14 Beta リリースノート

- Swift 5.7 チェンジログ

- What's new in Swift - WWDC22 - Videos - Apple Developer

- SE-0345: `if let` shorthand for shadowing an existing optional variable

- SE-0326: Enable multi-statement closure parameter/result type inference

- SE-0347: Type inference from default expressions

- SE-0309: Unlock existentials for all protocols

- SE-0346: Lightweight same-type requirements for primary associated types

- SE-0341: Opaque Parameter Declarations


June 24, 2022

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  1. 4& JGMFUߏจΛলུͯ͠ॻ͚Δ let foo: Int? = 0 let bar: String?

    = "bar" // Swift 5.6 if let foo = foo { ... } guard let bar = bar else { ... }
  2. 4& JGMFUߏจΛলུͯ͠ॻ͚Δ let foo: Int? = 0 let bar: String?

    = "bar" // Swift 5.7 if let foo { ... } guard let bar else { ... }
  3. 4& Ϋϩʔδϟ಺͕ෳ਺ͷจͰ΋ɺҾ਺ͱ໭Γ஋ͷܕΛলུͰ͖Δ func map<T>(fn: (Int) -> T) -> T {

    fn(42) } // Swift 5.6 _ = map { value -> Double in print("Foo") return Double(value) }
  4. 4& δΣωϦοΫؔ਺ͷҾ਺ʹσϑΥϧτ஋ΛࢦఆͰ͖Δ struct Foo: Equatable { static let shared =

    Foo() } // Swift 5.6 final class Bar<F: Equatable> { private let foo: F init(foo: F) { self.foo = foo } convenience init() where F == Foo { self.init(foo: .shared) } }
  5. 4& δΣωϦοΫؔ਺ͷҾ਺ʹσϑΥϧτ஋ΛࢦఆͰ͖Δ struct Foo: Equatable { static let shared =

    Foo() } // Swift 5.7 final class Bar<F: Equatable> { private let foo: F init(foo: F = Foo.shared) { self.foo = foo } }
  6. 4& ࿈૝ܕΛ࣋ͭϓϩτίϧΛܕͱͯ͠࢖͑Δ // Swift 5.6 protocol Foo {} protocol Bar

    { associatedtype FooType: Foo func foo() -> FooType } struct FooStruct: Foo {} struct BarStruct: Bar { func foo() -> FooStruct { .init() } } struct AnyBar<B: Bar> { private let _foo: () -> B.FooType init(_ base: B) { _foo = { base.foo() } } } extension AnyBar: Bar { func foo() -> B.FooType { _foo() } } let bar: AnyBar = .init(BarStruct()) _ = bar.foo()
  7. 4& ࿈૝ܕΛ࣋ͭϓϩτίϧΛܕͱͯ͠࢖͑Δ let bar: any Bar = BarStruct() _ =

    bar.foo() // Swift 5.7 protocol Foo {} protocol Bar { associatedtype FooType: Foo func foo() -> FooType } struct FooStruct: Foo {} struct BarStruct: Bar { func foo() -> FooStruct { .init() } }
  8. 4& ϓϩτίϧʹࢁΧοίͰؔ࿈ܕΛॻ͚Δ // Swift 5.6 protocol Graph { associatedtype Foo

    associatedtype Bar } struct GraphStruct: Graph { typealias Foo = Int typealias Bar = String } protocol TestProtocol { func bar<G, F, B>(_: G, foo: F) -> [B] where G: Graph, G.Foo == F, G.Bar == B } extension Graph where Foo == Int, Bar == String { // ... }
  9. 4& ϓϩτίϧʹࢁΧοίͰؔ࿈ܕΛॻ͚Δ // Swift 5.7 protocol Graph<Foo, Bar> { associatedtype

    Foo associatedtype Bar } struct GraphStruct: Graph { typealias Foo = Int typealias Bar = String } protocol TestProtocol { func bar<F, B>(_: some Graph<F, B>, foo: F) -> [B] } extension Graph<Int, String> { // ... } final class Test { // Swift 5.6 Ͱ͸࣮ݱͰ͖ͳ͍ func build() -> some Graph<Int, String> { GraphStruct() } }