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Starting Your Own Study Group

Research Data Services
November 04, 2016

Starting Your Own Study Group

Presentation given as part of the RDS Holz Brown Bag series, October 2016.

Research Data Services

November 04, 2016


  1. Introduction •  Microbiology Grad Student •  McMahon Lab •  Study

    Microbes in Lakes •  Computa:onal Biologist •  So<ware Carpentry Instructor •  sarahlrstevens.info
  2. Introduction •  ComBEE •  Support group for computa:onal methods used

    in biology, ecology, and evolu:on •  Python and R study groups, every other week hFps://sites.google.com/a/wisc.edu/combee/
  3. Why start a study group? •  Skill Sharing •  Teach

    each other new skills/tools •  Fill in for a lack of formal training •  Idea Discovery •  Learn about tools others are using •  How to use those tools in your research •  Community Support •  Someone to share your struggles with •  Another person to help solve your problem •  Access to exper:se outside your research group hFps://mozillascience.github.io/studyGroupHandbook/
  4. Study Group Formats •  Hacky Hour •  Very informal, get

    together and talk about topic, discuss ideas •  Minimal prep •  Work-along •  Hands-on guided tour of code/tool/skill •  Prep required •  Co-working session •  Working on separate projects, help each other with problems/ques:ons, share successes •  No prep •  Strategy Circle •  Each person comes with a problem and the group takes turns trying to solve them •  LiFle prep •  Lightning Demo Series •  Short talks about tool/code/library/skill •  Organiza:onal prep but otherwise distributed among members hFps://mozillascience.github.io/study-group-onboarding/2.2-op:ons-sessions.html
  5. Study Group Lead Role • Outreach and communica:ons • Logis:cs and event

    coordina:on • Strategy and planning • Teaching or facilita:ng • Community-building • Mentoring hFps://mozillascience.github.io/study-group-onboarding/1.1-lead-role.html
  6. Some Managing Tips • Let the community lead • Plan a few

    months at a :me • Communicate clearly and o<en • Have a Code of Conduct • S:ck to it! hFps://mozillascience.github.io/studyGroupHandbook/running.html
  7. Study Group Resources •  GeZng Started •  hFps://mozillascience.github.io/studyGroupHandbook/ •  hFps://mozillascience.github.io/study-group-onboarding/

    index.html •  Mozilla Monthly Study Group Leads Call •  First Friday of each month 10 am CT •  hFps://mail.mozilla.org/lis:nfo/msl-study-groups •  hFps://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/mozilla- studygroup-leads-october-2016
  8. Challenges I’ve had •  What topic to center around? • 

    Can I come if I don’t use sequencing data? •  Adver:sing / GeZng people to come •  Slowly geZng beFer at this •  GeZng Feedback •  In progress
  9. Questions? • About... • my groups? • Mozilla Science Lab Study Groups? • Mozilla

    Science Lab? • So<ware Carpentry? • Open/Reproducible Research?