you get them involved in a meaningful way? Provide a lab setting for working through problems Guide people along with hands-on workshops @alexhanna //
you get them involved in a meaningful way? Provide a lab setting for working through problems Guide people along with hands-on workshops Make code and instructions integrated and available on the web GitHub, RMarkdown, IPython/Project Jupyter notebooks @alexhanna //
Plotting Univariate and bivariate analysis Audience: Introductory methods course Undergraduate sociology students Some with STATA experience @alexhanna //
social media data Basic UNIX terminal, Python Various types of analysis Audience: Mix of ~10 faculty and PhD students in SJMC Labs taking place over timespan of a year @alexhanna //
Data Science in R Data munging handling Visualization, regression Textual analysis and social network analysis Web scraping and API access Audience: Graduate students Have statistical training Varying levels of R literacy More proficient with STATA @alexhanna //
Collaborate. Explore how to apply methods / technologies to your current project. Don’t be afraid to fail (and fail often!) @alexhanna //