of Glass-forming Liquids Kob-Andersen binary Lennard-Jones mixture Motivation Supercooled liquids and glasses: What is so special about them? O U T L I N E
theory is probably the theory of the nature of glass and the glass transition. This could be the next breakthrough in the coming decade.” 1995 + 2 decades…. Problem still continues…! –P. W. Anderson, Science (1995) Crystalline solids - Ordered - Extensively studied - Microscopic understanding - Many theoretical models Amorphous solids - Disordered - No microscopic understanding - No theoretical model for different properties Crystalline and Amorphous Solids Good glass-formers are generally mixtures
Liquids cooled to temperatures below melting point The journal of physical chemistry 100.31 (1996): 13200-13212. Time scales for molecular rearrangements become surprisingly long. Near the glass transition, there is an extraordinary viscous slow-down. The dynamics of the material is almost frozen for all practical purposes and the system in this state is called glass.
gradients can induce a concentration gradient Soret coefficient : Thermal diffusion coefficient : Mass diffusion coefficient ST = DT D DT D ST = 1 c(1 c) rc rT
particles like atoms by solving the classical equations of motion, assuming a given potential energy function Divide time into discrete time steps B. J. Alder and T.E. Wainwright. "Phase transition for a hard sphere system." The Journal of chemical physics 27.5 (1957): 1208-1209. Rahman, A. "Correlations in the motion of atoms in liquid argon." Physical Review 136.2A (1964): A405. Equations of motion are solved at each step using some numerical integrating scheme
Calculate forces and solve equations of Motion Apply thermostat or barostat (NVT, NPT, NVE) Calculate the desired physical quantities t ? = t max t ! t + t End simulation
leaving the simulation box enters the box again from opposite side Understanding molecular simulations: Frenkel & Smit Minimum Image Convention: Each particle interacts with the nearest periodic image of any other particle
MD code Solid curve: Gubbins et al. Dashed curve: Homegrown code Johnson, J. Karl, John A. Zollweg, and Keith E. Gubbins. "The Lennard-Jones equation of state revisited." Molecular Physics 78.3 (1993): 591-618. 864 Particles V = 4✏ " ⇣ r ⌘12 ⇣ r ⌘6 # Reduced units: ✏ = = m = 1
temperatures T : 5.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.80, 0.70, 0.60, 0.55, 0.50, 0.475, 0.466, 0.45 N = 1000(N A = 800, N B = 200) and ⇢ = 1.2 =) L x = L y = L z = 9.41
h⇢(~ r, t o )⇢(~ r, t + t o )i ⇠ P N ◆ =1 w(|~ r i (t o ) ~ r i (t o + t)|) w ( r ) = 1 if r a and zero otherwise Here a = 0.3 h r2(t)i ⇠ t2 h r2(t)i ⇠ t↵ - Small time behaviour: Ballistic - Long time behaviour: Diffusive ↵ = 1 MSD: 1 N PN n=1 ( xn( t ) xn(0))2 - System relaxes completely - Timescales increase with decreasing T
region = Width of right HOT region: L x = L y = 14.12 and L z = 94.10 Lz/10 Lz/20 COLD HOT HOT 0.4L_z HOT HOT COLD N = 22500 =) NA = 18000 and NB = 4500
HOT region at and COLD region at — have been symmetrically chosen about Monitor sub-averages of local temperatures and heat currents Achieving non-equilibrium steady state After establishing the steady state Temperature gradient between HOT and COLD regions Steady heat flow along the system in z-direction Measure following local quantities: — Number densities — Heat current density along z-direction Also measure the amount of heat exchanged between HOT and COLD regions Th Tc Tm Tm Th and Tc
out-of-equilibrium Revisited equilibrium and aging properties Measured spatially-resolved response to thermal gradient in non-equilibrium steady state Near TMCT behaviour is not clear; to link with dynamics. Thank You