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OSCON - React Architecture

OSCON - React Architecture


July 28, 2014

More Decks by vjeux

Other Decks in Programming


  1. String Concatenation — 2004 $str = '<ul>'; foreach ($talks as

    $talk) { $str += '<li>' . $talk->name . '</li>'; } $str += '</ul>'; Way back in time, in the early days of Facebook when Mark Zuckerberg was still in his dorm room, the way you would build websites using PHP is with string concatenation. It turns out that it’s a very good way to build website, whether you are back-end, front-end or even have no programming experience at all, you can build a big website.
  2. $str = '<ul>'; foreach ($talks as $talk) { $str +=

    '<li>' . $talk->name . '</li>'; } $str += '</ul>'; XSS Injection! String Concatenation — 2004 The only issue with that way of programming is that it’s insecure. If you use this exact code, an attacker can execute arbitrary JavaScript. This is especially bad for Facebook since this code is going to be executed in the user context. So you can basically take over the user account
  3. String Concatenation — 2004 Insecure by default If you don’t

    do anything, you are vulnerable. Worse, for most inputs, it’s actually going to render fine for the developer working on the feature. So there is very few incentive for him/her to add proper escaping
  4. String Concatenation — 2004 Insecure by default One mistake and

    there’s a vulnerability And, the property that’s really bad is the fact that you need to have every single call site in your millions of lines of codes written by hundreds of engineers to be safe. Made one mistake? You are subject to account takeover
  5. String Concatenation — 2004 Insecure by default One mistake and

    there’s a vulnerability You can’t over escape One idea to escape this impossible situation is to just escape everything no matter what. Unfortunately it doesn’t quite work, if you double escape a string it’s going to display control characters. If you accidentally escape markup, then it’s going to show html to the user!
  6. XHP — 2010 $content = <ul />; foreach ($talks as

    $talk) { $content->appendChild(<li>{$talk->name}</li>); } The solution we came up with at Facebook is to extend the syntax of PHP to allow the developer to write markup. In this case <ul /> is not in a string anymore.
  7. XHP — 2010 $content = <ul />; foreach ($talks as

    $talk) { $content->appendChild(<li>{$talk->name}</li>); } Markup Content Now, everything that’s markup is written using a different syntax so we know not to escape it when generating the HTML. Everything else is considered an untrusted string and automatically escaped. We get to keep the ease of development while being secure
  8. Custom Tags $content = <talk:list />; foreach ($talks as $talk)

    { $content->appendChild(<talk talk={$talk} />); } Once XHP was introduced, it wasn’t long until people realized that they could create custom tags. It turns out that they let you build very big applications easily by composing a lot of those tags. This is one implementation of the concepts of Semantic Web and Web Components
  9. We started doing more and more in JavaScript in order

    to avoid the latency between client and server. We’ve tried many techniques like having a cross-browser DOM library and a data binding approach but none of them really worked well for us. ! Given this state of the world, Jordan Walke, a front-end engineer, pitched his manager the idea of porting XHP to JavaScript. He somehow managed to get to work on it for 6 months in order to prove the concept. ! The first time I heard about this project, I was like, there’s absolutely no way that it’s going to work, but in the rare chance it does, this is going to be huge. When I finally got to play with it I immediately started evangelizing it :)
  10. JSX — 2013 var content = <TalkList> {talks.map(talk => <Talk

    talk={talk} />)} </TalkList>; ES6 Arrow Function The first task was to write an extension of JavaScript that supports this weird XML syntax. It turns out that at Facebook we’ve been using JavaScript transforms for a while. In this example, I’m using the alternative way to write functions of ES6, the next JavaScript standard. ! It took like a week to implement JSX and is not really the most important part of React
  11. PHP Anything changes? Re-render everything. Can we make it fast

    enough? What was way more challenging is to reproduce the update mechanism of PHP. It’s really simple, whenever anything changes, you go to a new page and get a full new page. For a developer point of view this makes writing apps extremely easy as you don’t have to worry about mutations and making sure everything is in sync when something changes in your UI ! However, the question that everybody asks … It’s going to be super slow
  12. React Not only is it fast enough... It’s often faster

    than previous implementations! After 2 years of production usage, I can confidently say that it’s surprisingly faster than most of the code that we replaced it with. In the rest of this talk I’m going to explain the big optimizations that makes this possible
  13. “You need to be right before being good”
 — Akim

    Demaille My teacher at school used to say that you need to be right before being good. What he meant is that if you are trying to build something performant, you have a much higher chance to succeed if you first build a naive but working implementation and iterate on the performance rather than trying to build it the best way from the start
  14. Render t=1 Render t=2 Naive So, let’s try to apply

    his advice. We’re first going to implement the most naive version. Whenever anything changes, we’re going to build an entire new DOM and replace the old one
  15. DOM is Stateful Input focus and selection Scroll position Iframe

    This is kind of working but there are a lot of edge cases. If you blow up the DOM you’re going to lose the currently focused element and cursor, same for the text selection and scroll position. What this really means is that DOM nodes actually contain state. ! The first attempt was to try to restore those state, we would remember the focused input and focus the new element, same for cursor and scroll position. Unfortunately, this isn’t enough.
  16. DOM is Stateful Input focus and selection Scroll position Iframe

    If you are using a mac and scrolling, you’re going to have inertia. Turns out that there is no JavaScript API to read or write scrolling inertia. For iframe it’s even worse, if it’s from another domain, the security policy actually disallow you to even look at what’s inside, so you cannot restore it. Not only the DOM is stateful, but it contains hidden state!
  17. Reuse Nodes <div className=“scroll” /> <div className=“scroll” /> To get

    around this, the idea is instead of blowing up the DOM and recreating a new one, we’re going to reuse the DOM nodes that stayed the same between two renders
  18. Reuse Nodes <div className=“scroll” /> <div className=“scroll” /> Instead of

    removing the previous DOM tree and replacing it with the new one, we’re going to match nodes and if they didn’t change, discard the new one and keep the old one which is currently rendered on screen
  19. Reuse Nodes As long as we can match nodes, we

    repeat the process. But at some point we’re going to see a new node that wasn’t there before. In this case, we’re going to move the new one to the old (and currently rendered on screen) dom tree
  20. Reuse Nodes As long as we can match nodes, we

    repeat the process. But at some point we’re going to see a new node that wasn’t there before. In this case, we’re going to move the new one to the old (and currently rendered on screen) dom tree
  21. “I tend to think of React as
 Version Control for

    the DOM” — AdonisSMU We now have a general idea of how we want React to work but don’t have a specific plan. This is the moment when I pull out the Analogy card out of my hat
  22. new-awesome-version.zip check-this-out.zip all-bugs-are-fixed.zip release.zip Old School Version Control Back in

    the dark age of programming, if you wanted someone else to try out your code, you would create a zip and send him. If you changed anything you would send a new zip file.
  23. new-awesome-version.zip check-this-out.zip all-bugs-are-fixed.zip release.zip Old School Version Control Version control

    came along and the way it works is that it takes those snapshots of the code and generates a list of mutations like “remove those 5 lines”, “add 3 lines”, “replace this word”… using a diff algorithm
  24. new-awesome-version.zip check-this-out.zip all-bugs-are-fixed.zip release.zip Old School Version Control This is

    exactly what React does but using the DOM as input instead of text files
  25. 10,0003 = 1000 . 109
 ≈ 1000 seconds
 at 1

    GHz Optimal Diff — O(n3) So, as any good engineer, we looked at diff algorithms for trees and found that the optimal solution was in O(n ! Let say we’ve got a page with 10,000 DOM nodes. It’s big but not unthinkable. To get an order of magnitude we’re going to assume that we can do one operation in one CPU cycle (not going to happen) and have a 1GHz machine
  26. 10,0003 = 1000 . 109
 ≈ 1000 seconds
 at 1

    GHz Optimal Diff — O(n3) ≈ 17 minutes It would take 17 minutes to do the diff! We can’t use that …
  27. O(n3) But, we’re not afraid, we know that we’re still

    in the phase where we need to be right. So let’s study the way it works.
  28. O(n3) (1)For every node in the new tree, (2) we’re

    going to match it again every node of the old tree. (3) the matching operation operates on the entire subtree. Here, we get our three nested loops.
  29. O(n3) If you think about it, in a web application,

    we extremely rarely have to move an element anywhere else in the page. The only example that comes to mind is drag and drop but it’s far from common.
  30. O(n3) The only time where we’re moving elements is between

    children. You very often add/remove/ move elements in a list.
  31. O(m²) Children by Children So, we can instead do the

    diff children by children. We start with the root and match it against the other root.
  32. Children by Children O(m²) O(m²) O(m²) O(m²) And do that

    for all the matching children. We went from having a big scary O(n many O(m
  33. We tried to be too good too fast :( It

    turns out that we cannot use Levenstein directly!
  34. Identity <input /> <input /> <input /> <input /> <input

    /> In order to understand why, the best way is via a small example. Let’s get into React shoes for a minute. We see that the first render had three inputs and the next only has two. The question is how do you match them?
  35. Identity <input /> <input /> <input /> <input /> <input

    /> The intuitive reaction is going to match the first two together and delete the third one
  36. Identity <input /> <input /> <input /> <input /> <input

    /> But, we can also delete the first one and match the last two together
  37. Identity <input /> <input /> <input /> <input /> <input

    /> One less obvious solution, but still totally valid, is to remove all the previous elements and create two new ones. So at this point, we don’t have enough information to do that matching properly as we want to be able to handle all the above use cases
  38. Identity <input value="o"/> <input value="os"/> One idea is to not

    only use the tag name but also attributes. If they are equal before and after, then we do the matching
  39. Identity <input value="o"/> <input value="os"/> Turns out that this isn’t

    working for the value attribute. If you are trying to type “oscon”, then the two are going to be different input focus :(
  40. Identity <input id=“i93723"/> <input id=“i42"/> <input id=“i5235"/> <input id=“i93723"/> <input

    id=“i5235"/> Another more promising attribute is the id one. In a form context, it usually contains the id of the model that the input is corresponding to
  41. Identity <input id=“i93723"/> <input id=“i42"/> <input id=“i5235"/> <input id=“i93723"/> <input

    id=“i5235"/> Now, we’re able to match the two lists successfully! (Did you notice that it was yet another matching than the three examples I shown before?)
  42. Identity <input key=“i93723"/> <input key=“i42"/> <input key=“i5235"/> <input key=“i93723"/> <input

    key=“i5235"/> But, if you are submitting the form via AJAX instead of letting the browser do it, you’re unlikely to put that id attribute in the DOM. ! React introduces the key attribute. Its only job is to help the diff algorithm do the matching
  43. Children by Children O(m) O(m) O(m) O(m) It turns out

    that we can implement the matching using keys much faster than O(n in O(n) via a hash table
  44. Children by Children O(m) O(m) O(m) O(m) O(n) + +

    So, if we sum all those partial O(m), we get a total complexity of O(n). It’s not possible to have a better complexity :)
  45. Let the goodness begin! At this point, we’ve got a

    solution that’s correct, we can now start implementing all the cool optimizations to make it blazing fast :)
  46. align, onwaiting, onvolumechange, ontimeupdate, onsuspend, onsubmit, onstalled, onshow, onselect, onseeking,

    onseeked, onscroll, onresize, onreset, onratechange, onprogress, onplaying, onplay, onpause, onmousewheel, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmouseout, onmousemove, onmouseleave, onmouseenter, onmousedown, onloadstart, onloadedmetadata, onloadeddata, onload, onkeyup, onkeypress, onkeydown, oninvalid, oninput, onfocus, onerror, onended, onemptied, ondurationchange, ondrop, ondragstart, ondragover, ondragleave, ondragenter, ondragend, ondrag, ondblclick, oncuechange, oncontextmenu, onclose, onclick, onchange, oncanplaythrough, oncanplay, oncancel, onblur, onabort, spellcheck, isContentEditable, contentEditable, outerText, innerText, accessKey, hidden, webkitdropzone, draggable, tabIndex, dir, translate, lang, title, childElementCount, lastElementChild, firstElementChild, children, nextElementSibling, previousElementSibling, onwheel, onwebkitfullscreenerror, onwebkitfullscreenchange, onselectstart, onsearch, onpaste, oncut, oncopy, onbeforepaste, onbeforecut, onbeforecopy, webkitShadowRoot, dataset, classList, className, outerHTML, innerHTML, scrollHeight, scrollWidth, scrollTop, scrollLeft, clientHeight, clientWidth, clientTop, clientLeft, offsetParent, offsetHeight, offsetWidth, offsetTop, offsetLeft, localName, prefix, namespaceURI, id, style, attributes, tagName, parentElement, textContent, baseURI, Rafał Pocztarski document.createElement(‘div’) If you’ve done any optimization of JS apps, you probably heard that the DOM is slow. Rafal on Stack Exchange made a very good illustration. If you enumerate all the attributes of an empty div, you are going to see a —lot— of them!
  47. The reason why there are so many attributes is that

    a DOM node is used for a lot of steps in the browser rendering pipeline. 
 The browser first looks at the CSS rules and find the ones that matches that node, and stores a variety of metadata in the process to make it faster. For example it maintains a map of id to dom nodes. ! Then, it takes those styles and compute the layout, which contains a position and location in the screen. Again, lots of metadata. It will avoid recomputing layout as much as possible and caches previously computed values. ! Then, at some point you actually a buffer either on the CPU or GPU. ! All those steps require intermediate representations and use memory and cpu. The browser are doing a very good job at optimizing this entire pipeline
  48. Virtual DOM t=1 Virtual DOM t=2 Virtual DOM + But,

    if you think about what’s happening in React, we only use those DOM nodes in the diff algorithm. So we can use a much lighter JavaScript object that just contains the tag name and attributes. We call it the virtual DOM.
  49. Virtual DOM t=1 Virtual DOM t=2 Mutations Virtual DOM +

    = The diff algorithm generates a list of DOM mutations, the same way version controls output text mutations
  50. Real DOM Virtual DOM That we can apply to the

    real DOM. Then we let the browser do all its optimized pipeline. We reduced the number of expensive, but needed, DOM mutations to the bare minimum
  51. —— Open Source —— — — The diff algorithm and

    virtual DOM are the two optimizations that we had when we open sourced React. Let’s take a break and see how the project went since then
  52. GitHub ˒ 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 6/11/2013 7/12/2013 8/12/2013

    9/16/2013 10/26/2013 11/26/2013 12/27/2013 1/27/2014 2/27/2014 3/30/2014 4/30/2014 5/31/2014 7/1/2014 React got extremely popular in just a year. If it continues to grow at this rate, it’s going to be the biggest Facebook open source project in a couple of months!
  53. Not only are people adding little stars on GitHub but

    they also use it in production. For example, the New York Times is using React to spice up their big news coverage like the Festival de Cannes and the world cup
  54. GitHub just announced that they migrated their text editor, Atom,

    to React in order to improve performance. It shows that React is not only viable to build websites but real apps as well
  55. Probably the most unexpected, Sberbank is the largest bank in

    Russia and is moving all the online consumer banking operations to React!
  56. Last but not least, Khan Academy has been the first

    big adopter of React and they converted all their student exercices and admin panels
  57. More commits from open source than employees Not only people

    are using React but they are contributing back! And it’s not only typos in the docs. The two next optimizations have been brought to life by the community
  58. Opera lists Reflow and Repaint as one of the three

    main contributors to sluggish JavaScript We’ve talked about the DOM being slow, the second source of slowness are reflows and repaints. Those scary words just mean that when you modify the DOM, then the browser has to update the position of elements and update the actual pixels. Th ! When you try to read some attributes from the DOM, the browser, in order to give you a consistent view, has to trigger those expensive operations. If you are doing a “read, write, read, write…” sequence of operations, you’re going to trigger those expensive reflow and repaint without knowing. ! In order to mitigate that, the idea is to reorder “read, write, read, write…” sequence of operations into “read, read, read…” then “write, write, write…”. concatenation was insecure by default, writing JavaScript applications in the conventional way is very prone to trigger reflows and repaints
  59. Batching setState Dirty Ben Alpert, from Khan Academy, implemented a

    fix for this problem by batching operations.
  60. Batching setState Dirty In order to tell React that something

    changed, you call setState on an element. React will just mark the element as dirty but will not compute anything right away. If you call setState on the same node multiple times, it will be just as performant
  61. Re-Rendered We can start re-rendering elements from top to bottom.

    This is very important as it ensures that we only render elements once
  62. Re-Rendered Now that all the elements have been re-rendered to

    the Virtual DOM, we feed that to the diff algorithm which outputs DOM mutations. Nowhere in this process did we have to read from the DOM. React is (outside of optimizations i’m not going to cover in this talk) write-only
  63. Subtree Re-rendering At the beginning I said that the mental

    model is “re-rendering everything when anything changes”. This is not exactly correct in practice. We only re-render the subtree from elements that have been flagged by setState.
  64. Subtree Re-rendering When you start integrating React into your app,

    the usual pattern is to have state very low in the tree and therefore setState are pretty cheap as they only re-render a small part of the UI
  65. Pruning Dirty When more of the application got converted, the

    state tends to go up, which means that you are re-rendering a larger portion of the app when anything changes.
  66. Pruning Dirty bool shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) To mitigate this effect performance-wise,

    you can implement “shouldComponentUpdate” which with both previous and next state/props can say: “You know what, nothing changed, let’s just skip re-rendering this sub-tree”
  67. shouldComponentUpdate? We introduce shouldComponentUpdate with the open source release but

    we did not quite know how to actually implement it correctly. ! The problem is that in JavaScript you often use objects to hold state and mutate it directly. This means that the previous and next version of the state is the same reference to the object. So when you try to compare the previous version with the next, it’s going to say yes, even though something changed.
  68. shouldComponentUpdate? Om: Immutable data structure • David Nolen, from the

    New York Times, figured out a good solution. In ClojureScript all most values are immutable, meaning that when you update one, you get a new object and the old one is left untouched. This works very well with shouldComponentUpdate. ! He wrote a library on-top of React in ClojureScript called Om which uses immutable data structures in order to implement shouldComponentUpdate by default
  69. shouldComponentUpdate? •Perf.printWasted() Unfortunately, using immutable data structures require a big

    mental leap that everyone is not yet ready to take. So for now and the foreseeable future React has to work without them and therefore cannot implement shouldComponentUpdate by default. ! Instead, we just released a performance tool. You play around with your application for a while and every time a component is re-rendered, if the diff doesn’t output any DOM mutation, then it remember the time it took to render. At the end, you get a nice table that tells you the components that would benefit most from shouldComponentUpdate! ! This way, you can put it on a few key places and reap most of the perf wins
  70. In this talk we covered four optimizations that React is

    doing: diff algorithm, virtual DOM, batching and pruning. I hope that it shed some light on the reasons why they exist and how they work. ! React is used to build our desktop website, mobile website and the Instagram website. It is so successful at Facebook that basically all the new front-end products are written using React. This is not a project that we just use in internal tools or small features, this is used by the main page of Facebook used by hundreds of millions of people every month! Conclusion
  71. Since we are at the Open Source conference, I would

    like to end by reflecting a bit on it. 
 We open sourced XHP in 2010 but we’ve done a very bad job at it, we just wrote a single blog post in 4 years. We didn’t go to conferences to explain it, write documentation … And yet, inside of Facebook we absolutely love it and use it everywhere. ! When we open sourced React last year, it was much harder because we had to explain at the same time the benefits of XHP and all the crazy optimizations we had to do in order to make it work on the client. ! We talk a lot about the benefits of open sourcing. This was a very good reminder that not open sourcing your core technologies can make it harder to open source other projects down the line Conclusion