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Feel the Joy

Feel the Joy

Susie Davies-Splitter

July 29, 2022


  1. Feel the Joy Written and recorded by Susie & Phil

    For all ages Resource Kit © www.welcometomusic.net Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter Feel the Joy
  2. Learning Outcomes © Davies-Splitter/Splitter To sing the song with choralography

    actions then make up new actions To sing the harmony parts To play the bass part To play chords on ukulele, guitar or piano To discuss the meaning of the song To perform © www.welcometomusic.net Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter
  3. 'Feel the Joy' Lyrics 1 Tag AOA OAO AOA AOA

    OAO AOA Verse 1 Joy is all around us just take the time to see It’s high up on a mountain or deep down in the sea Being with the ones you love or watching children play Gazing at the sun's first rays as night turns into day Chorus 1 Feel the joy in your heart, like a bird watch it soaring high Feel the joy make a start, spread your wings across the sky © www.welcometomusic.net Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter
  4. 'Feel the Joy' Lyrics 2 Tag Verse 2 There's always

    someone doing things you'd like to do Did you ever stop and think that someone could be you? Instead of giving reasons why it can't be done Take a chance and have a go, you might just have some fun Chorus 2 Feel the joy in your heart, like a bird watch it soaring high Feel the joy make a start, spread your wings across the sky Feel the joy that you bring, when you smile it sets you free Feel the joy when we sing, songs of love in sweet harmony © www.welcometomusic.net Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter
  5. 'Feel the Joy' Lyrics 3 Tag Spoken C’mon everybody it's

    time to move, the dance of joy is in the groove Reach your arms up to the sky; now move them from side to side Now click your fingers to the beat, and stamp your feet it’s really neat Stamp to the left, stamp to the right, now shake all over it’s ’outta sight Feel the joy, feel the joy, feel - the – joy! © www.welcometomusic.net Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter
  6. © www.welcometomusic.net Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter 'Feel the Joy'

    Lyrics 4 Tag Verse 3 Life is like a roller coaster, laughter turns to tears You have to take the ups and downs and live it without fear And if you share the gifts you have with every living thing You will feel the joy of life and then you'll want to sing Chorus Tag x 2 Coda Feel the joy, feel the joy, feel the joy x 2
  7. 'Feel the Joy' Activities 1 © www.welcometomusic.net Susie Davies-Splitter &

    Phil Splitter Listen to the whole song. As a group, say then sing the whole song Keep the beat on different body parts for each section (tag, verse, chorus, spoken section-rap, instrumental section) Do the rhythm of the AO section with actions Sing the tag melody in solfa accompanied by hand signs Extension - sing in 3 parts in solfa with hand signs Do the actions and movements Listen to the whole song As you listen to the tags As you listen to the rap section
  8. 'Feel the Joy' Activities 2 © www.welcometomusic.net Susie Davies-Splitter &

    Phil Splitter Say then sing the words and do the choralography Extension - sing in 3 parts Ask students to describe the word “joy”, (what does it mean?) Brainstorm ideas on the board. Ask students what makes the song such a joyous song - words, melody, instruments, rhythm, harmony, tempo. Students think of times in their lives when they have felt a strong sense of joy. Share in small groups or with whole class. Reflect on when you have noticed other people’s joy and how that makes you feel. In small groups discuss the gift of joy that you could give to others. As you listen to the chorus Discussion & Reflection Create a Performance
  9. © www.welcometomusic.net In your hea rt Fee l the Joy

    Sp read your win gs M ake a sta rt Soaring high 'Feel the Joy' Chorus Choralography 1 Fee l the Joy Lik e a bi rd © www.welcometomusic.net Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter Acr oss the s ky Wriggle fingers Wriggle fingers Draw heart over your heart Place tips of extended index finger and thumb together. Position under chin and open and close Reach up high Extend hands in front Extend elbows out to the sides and move up and down Extend arms out to each side
  10. © www.welcometomusic.net Th at you br ing Fee l the

    Joy Wh en you s ing Songs of love It sets you fre e Fee l the Joy Wh en you sm ile © www.welcometomusic.net Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter In sw eet harm ony Wriggle fingers Extend hands in front Paint smile on face Arms outstretched to sides Wriggle fingers Move tips of extended index & middle fingers from cheek in small outward circles Hands crossed over heart Link index fingers and thumbs of both hands. Move formation round in a circle 'Feel the Joy' Chorus Choralography 2
  11. Recorded on 'The Power of You' Can be heard on

    Spotify, Apple Music & Amazon Music Choral Arrangement in key of D with 2 harmony parts and piano accompaniment YouTube Lyric video 'Feel the Joy' Links © www.welcometomusic.net Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter 'Feel the Joy' Backing Track in C