www.welcometomusic.net Learn all of the actions above Transfer each of the 4 x actions to 4 different non melodic instruments Add the dance steps – see below for suggested steps and dance pics Play on the ukulele with C and G7 chords Add in 2 harmony parts – listen then sing For grade 3 to 6 Pat knees 3 times for ‘roparte’ whilst teacher says the song words Clap hands in front of body x 3 mimicking the Kingfisher bird diving into the water – add this to the 3 x pats whilst teacher sings the song words Add to pats and claps whilst teacher sings the song words 4 x shoulder taps at end 5 steps to turn around to the left over the words ‘ma-ro-si ama- tey, se-se-re ee-yeh’ 4 steps to turn around to the right over the words ‘ma-ro-si ama- tey, se-se-re ee-yeh’ Students watch the movements – teacher says the song words Students mirror the movements – teacher sings the song words Sing and dance together with the recorded music – sing the melody first, then harmony 1 then harmony 2 A suggested sequence to learn the dance steps Teaching tips for the teacher