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Mini Project

April 22, 2022

Mini Project


April 22, 2022


  1. WhoMI Agenda Introduction to Project Key Modules of Project Tools

    and Services used in Project Architecture of Project Applications Conclusion
  2. C I C D A U T O M A

    T I O N F o r S t a t i c w e b s i t e
  3. What is CI/CD CI/CD is a method to frequently deliver

    apps to customers by introducing automation into the stages of app development. The main concepts attributed to CI/CD are continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment.
  4. T O O L S A N D S E

    R V I C E S W e U s e d f o r P r o j e c t
  5. A R C H I T E C T U

    R E O F P R O J E C T
  6. - AWS CLoud - API Security - Thick Client Security

    Assessment Applications of CI/CD Ø In Web Applications Ø For SPA’s Ø In Portfolio
  7. Continuous integration and continuous delivery provide an ideal scenario for

    your organization’s application teams. Your developers simply push code to a repository. This code will be integrated, tested, deployed, tested again, merged with infrastructure, go through security and quality reviews, and be ready to deploy with extremely high confidence. When CI/CD is used, code quality is improved and software updates are delivered quickly and with high confidence that there will be no breaking changes. The impact of any release can be correlated with data from production and operations. It can be used for planning the next cycle, too—a vital DevOps practice in your organization’s cloud transformation. Conclusion