with respect to distant stars. At same Vt, the further, the smaller μ. Cumulative. Parallax: the displacement in the apparent position viewed along two different lines of sight. Only along the direction of earth’s motion. Go back and forth. Astrometry the Ancient Technique
with respect to distant stars. At same Vt, the further, the smaller μ. Cumulative. Parallax: the displacement in the apparent position viewed along two different lines of sight. Only along the direction of earth’s motion. Go back and forth. Astrometry the Ancient Technique 0GGF$C[GUKCP/GVJQFŎ
radius) Eclipsing Variables: EW type — similar mass (color) — nearly vertical path Rotationally induced Variables: cold star-spots, absorb light in blue, re-emit in red. Broad band G, horizontal. Motions on the CMD
radius) Eclipsing Variables: EW type — similar mass (color) — nearly vertical path Rotationally induced Variables: cold star-spots, absorb light in blue, re-emit in red. Broad band G, horizontal. Eruptive Stars: additional extinction during eruptive phases — redder when brighter. Motions on the CMD
of the giant sample as a function of galactic radius for 2 azimuth slices. The curves correspond to different Z layers. A pattern of oscillation. Confirmed galactocentric radial velocity gradients in the inner / outer disk.
the galactic velocity fields. Streaming motions could be produced by: (i) internal mechanisms (response of the stars to the bar or spiral structure) (ii) external perturber: e.g. satellite accretion, impact of low-mass dark matter halos. of the giant sample. semi-circular geometry, with a small pitch angle. red circular arcs, large-scale variation gradient outwards
in the solar neighborhood, 2D histogram of the velocity with a sbin of 1km/s. away from galactic center towards galactic center slower than the sun faster than the sun Arch-like structure; Hercules stream — 2 branches? Hyades, Pleiades…
ring between 0.5 and 1 kpc from the Sun. Velocity distribution in the Solar Outskirts Galactic Center Arch-like structure; great change in galactic radius (than in azimuth); Hercules gap variations (right to left: 200 - 240 km/s); 2nd gap…
Regime •Global astrometry in sub-μas or even nano-arcsec regime •Global astrometry in the near-infrared (NIR) •Global astrometry in the optical in a new Gaia-like mission 6JCPMUHQTNKUVGPKPI