"Title": "AWS Security Hub launches 2 new security best practice controls", "Description": "AWS Security Hub has released 2 new controls for its Foundational Security Best Practice standard (FSBP) to enhance your Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM). These controls conduct fully-automatic checks against security best practices for AWS Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB). Specifically, the 2 FSBP controls launched are [AutoScaling.9] Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups should use EC2 launch templates, and [ELB.11] Network Load Balancers should have cross-zone load balancing enabled. If you have Security Hub set to automatically enable new controls and are already using AWS Foundational Security Best Practices, these controls are enabled for you automatically. Security Hub now supports 225 security controls to automatically check your security posture in AWS.” } アップデートの通知例