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Actors and Functional Reactive Programming

Actors and Functional Reactive Programming

Object-oriented design patterns combine basic language features to solve coding problems in an extensible way. In functional Scala, we solve those coding problems with functions, combinators, and type-classes, so design patterns are less relevant. Actor design patterns combine basic features of the actors to solve coding problems in an extensible way. Arrowised functional reactive programming (based on languages like Scala and Haskell also offers a way to solve those coding problem using functions, combinators, and type-classes. This talk describes a prototype implementation of AFRP and its primitive types and functions, discusses its similarities to actors, and then describes how some actor design patterns in the existing literature corresponds to constructions of AFRP.

47 Degrees Academy

February 04, 2022

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  1. Actors and Functional Reactive Programming Diego E. Alonso Typelevel Summit

    Lausanne Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 1 / 23
  2. I will talk about Functional Reactive Programming Message: FRP constructs

    and idioms are more or less like Actors Goal: Help you to understand FRP using a loose analogy between Actors and a simple Scala implementation Non goal: promote concurrency or design approaches in Scala or present any Scala library you should be starting to use Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 2 / 23
  3. Object design patterns and cats type-classes Diego E. Alonso Actors

    and Functional Reactive Programming 3 / 23
  4. Object design patterns and cats type-classes Problem: use an existing

    implementation that is not compatible trait Printer[A] { def print(i: Int): Unit } Our Problem: we need a Printer[Int], we only have one for String class StringPrinter() extends Printer[String] { def print(s: String): Unit = /***/ } Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 3 / 23
  5. Object design patterns and cats type-classes Problem: use an existing

    implementation that is not compatible trait Printer[A] { def print(i: Int): Unit } Our Problem: we need a Printer[Int], we only have one for String class StringPrinter() extends Printer[String] { def print(s: String): Unit = /***/ } Adapter: object that implements uses another object to implement interface class InputConverterIntPrinter( base: Printer[String]) extends Printer[Int] { def print(b: Int): Unit = base.print(b.toString) } class InputConverterPrinterAdapter( base: Printer[A], fun: B => A) extends Printer[B]{ def print(b: B): Unit = base.print(f(b)) } Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 3 / 23
  6. Object patterns and cats We can combine it with a

    pattern of generic factory // We could also use a factory object trait trait InputConverterPrinterAdapterFactory { def buildInputAdapter[A, B]( base: Printer[A], f: B => A): Printer[B] } Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 4 / 23
  7. Object patterns and cats We can combine it with a

    pattern of generic factory // We could also use a factory object trait trait InputConverterPrinterAdapterFactory { def buildInputAdapter[A, B]( base: Printer[A], f: B => A): Printer[B] } In cats, we do the same. We just call it a Contravariant Functor. trait InputConverterGenericFactory[F[_]]{ def buildInputAdapter[A, B]( base: F[A], f: B => A): F[B] } trait Contravariant[F[_]] { def contraMap[A, B](base: F[A], f: B => A): F[B] } Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 4 / 23
  8. Reactive Programming Input Program Output A reactive system is a

    runs indefinitely (no termination) Every time it may take a new input (react to events) Every time it may emit a new outputs (actions changes) Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 5 / 23
  9. Reactive Programming with Actors Actor msg msg msg msg msg

    msg An Actor is a runtime entity that is activated when it receives a message, which is also referred to as “reacting to an event”. Processes each message, one at a time, in order they arrive It may send messages to other actors It changes behaviour to process next message Actors are operational approach: what programs does and react Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 6 / 23
  10. Functional? Reactive Programming Functional Programming: programs as functions of input

    to output But what is the input and output value of a reactive program? Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 7 / 23
  11. Functional? Reactive Programming Functional Programming: programs as functions of input

    to output But what is the input and output value of a reactive program? A Signal: value at each instant in time of a variable: air pressure (audio), mouse position, price of stock In practice, signals are approximated with streams Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 7 / 23
  12. Functional Reactive Programming Input Program Output FRP: reactive programs as

    functions of input to output signals Declarative approach: what programs are, not what they do Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 8 / 23
  13. Functional Reactive Programming X(t) + Z(t) F V (t) G

    An FRP program describes a set of signals and signal functions Signal functions show how signals depend on each other time FRP language/library: how to define simple signal functions... ...and how to combine signal functions into bigger programs Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 9 / 23
  14. Monadic Stream Functions trait MoSF[M[_], I, O] { def apply(i:

    I): M[(O, MoSF[M, I, O])] // continuation } Represent single step in stream transformation Polymorphic: the effect type M[_] is polymorphic, and we use type-classin operations. Purely-Functional: it does not assume, in the definition and operations, any kind of destructive update of the world or global variable, not even time. Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 11 / 23
  15. Monadic Stream Function like actor trait MoSF[M[_], I, O] {

    def apply(i: I): M[(O, MoSF[M, I, O])] // continuation } Actor msg msg msg msg msg msg Inputs: Received messages corresponds to the In input type Sent messages correspond to the Out output type Continuation: modified actor behaviour, for next messages Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 12 / 23
  16. Running a Monadic Stream Function trait MoSF[M[_], I, O] {

    self => def apply(i: I): M[(O, MoSF[M, I, O])] def run(ins: List[I])(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[List[O]] = ins match { case Nil => M.pure(Nil) case (in :: ins) => for { (out, cont) <- self(in) outs <- cont.run(ins) //use continuation on tail } yield out :: outs } The meaning of executing an MSF is given by applying it to the first sample of an input stream, obtaining the first output, and using the continuation to transform the tail of the stream.(BttF) Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 13 / 23
  17. Simple Pattern Stateless Actors Actor msg msg msg msg msg

    msg Stateless actors have no inner mutable state or data. They always process each message in the same way (locally) Processing message never modifies behaviour May use or ignore message May involve any effectful action (reading DB) Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 14 / 23
  18. Stateless Monadic Stream Functions import cats.{Functor, Applicative => App} //

    outputs pure value o def pure[M[_], I, O](o: O)(implicit M: App[M]): MoSF[M, I, O] = (i: I) => M.pure(o -> pure(o)) // outputs result of pure function def arr[M[_],I,O](f: I => O)(implicit M: App[M]): MoSF[M, I, O]= (i: I) => M.pure(f(i) -> arr(f)) // gets output value from effect M def liftM[M[_]: Functor, I, O](fo: M[O]): MoSF[M, I, O] = (_: I) => fo.map(o => o -> liftM(fo)) // applies effect function to input def liftK[M[_]: Functor, I, O](fk: I => M[O]): MoSF[M, I, O] = (i: I) => fk(i).map(o => o -> liftK(fk)) Self-recurring MSF correspond to Stateless actors The continuation part of their apply method is itself Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 15 / 23
  19. A pipeline of Actors Ann Bob Carl m m n

    n o o Big processing made of several steps, each step is an actor Each run of pipeline may alter each actor. In a Pipes and Filters architecture, you compose a process by chaining together a number of processing steps. Each of the steps is decoupled from the others. Thus, each of the steps could be replaced or rearranged as the need arises. (VV) Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 16 / 23
  20. A pipeline of MSF A B C >>> >>> def

    >>>[M[_]: Monad, I, O, P]( pref: MoSF[M, I, O], post: MoSF[M, O, P] ): MoSF[M, I, P] = (i: I) => for { (o, prefCont) <- pref(i) (p, postCont) <- post(o) } yield p -> (prefCont >>> postCont) A MoSF built from two other ones: applies the first, applies the result to the second one, and ouputs the result Continuation is composition of continuations Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 17 / 23
  21. Actor pattern: Message translator f:M→N Bob m m n n

    Message Translator: transform the data from an incoming message to data that is compatible with the local receiving application. def messageTranslator[M[_]: Monad, O]( base: MoSF[M, String, O], ): MoSF[M, Int, O] = MoSF.arr(_.toString) >>> base Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 18 / 23
  22. Adapting input/output of MSF f:M→N Bob m m n n

    import cats.{Functor, Applicative => App} trait MoSF[M[_], In, Out] { self => def apply(i: In): M[(Out, MoSF[M, I, P]) ] def map[P](fun: O => P): MoSF[M, I, P] = (i: I) => self(i) map { case (o, cont) => fun(o) -> cont.map(fun) } def contraMap[P](fun: H => I): MoSF[M, H, O] = (h: H) => self(fun(h)) map { case (o, cont) => o -> cont.contraMap(fun) } Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 19 / 23
  23. Actor Pattern: Content-Based router CBR Bob Carl m n m

    n m m n n A router is an actor that re-sends any message it receives to other actors, which may be more specialised, or to balance their workload A content-based router analyses the content of the message to decide to which actor it sends each message it receives, Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 20 / 23
  24. Content-Based Routing with MSF We use Either to parallel-combine two

    MSF on different types def +++[M[_]: Functor, I, J, O, P]( onLeft: MoSF[M, I, O], onRight: MoSF[M, J, P] ): MoSF[M, Either[I, J], Either[O, P] = { case Left(i) => onLeft(i).map { case (o, lcont) => Left(o) -> (lcont +++ onRight) } case Right(j) => onRight(j).map { case (p, rcont) => Right(p) -> (onLeft +++ rcont) } } val cbr = (bob +++ carl) Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 21 / 23
  25. Summary Much like some FP type-classes can be seen as

    restricted cases of object-oriented patterns, we can see FRP patterns/idioms using special restricted cases of some actor patterns. Unlike actor patterns, which are only on paper and design, but are difficult to see on the code... FRP constructs are operators, which are in the code. Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 22 / 23
  26. Bibliography / Videography Functional Reactive Programming, Refactored. Ivan Perez, Manuel

    Barenz, Henrik Nilsson. Haskell Symposium, 2016. Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model. Applications and Integration in Scala and Akka. Vaughn Vernon. 2016 The Essence and Origins of Functional Reactive Programming. Conal Elliott. Lambda Jam 2015. Diego E. Alonso Actors and Functional Reactive Programming 23 / 23