惡意程式開發技術在各種防毒產品技術提升下也在求新求變。從最原始的純執行程式、DLL模組化的惡意程式、注入系統服務型的惡意程式,甚至是以 Zero-day 為基礎散佈的惡意程式。 而在現今防毒產品、各項系統防護日趨完善之下,若沒有 Zero-day 能突破這些穩定的防護設計,惡意程式便難以做出許多需要權限的事情(如:寫入檔案、創建本地伺服器、創建開機啟動項)因此如何劫持其他高權限、偽造自身為使用者可信任的程式,便是現今惡意程式的一大考驗。
本議程將探討 Windows 作業系統上各項用於劫持系統程式權限、偽造自身身份的注入技巧,並帶入案例介紹如:DLL Inject、UAC Bypassing via DLL Inject、Process Hollowing、DLL Side-Loading 與系統實作造成的延伸型 DLL Side-Loading 問題、Atombombing 與利用 explorer 的消息漏洞串接 ROP Chain 實作注入技巧。
To circumvent the Anti-Virus protection, adversaries have significantly improved the attacking techniques. Generally speaking, it is hard to escalate privilege without applying 0 day exploits. In other words, hijacking the high privilege processes trusted by users is the most important but challenging factor for successful attack.
In this session, we introduce the skills to hijack privileged system processes on Windows operating system. To clearly introduce the concept, we start from some basic techniques including: DLL Injection, UAC Bypassing, Process Hollowing, DLL Side Loading. Furthermore, the Atombombing and the ROP Gadget Injection will be illustrated to exploit the bugs of Windows Explorer for attack.