Developer? → It’s fun to add a new skill to the toolbox. → Provide real time data during development. → Hackdays. → Help the current backend team. → Become a full stack native app developer. 8/37 — CodeMobile 2017
the Swift Package Manager. → Define the dependencies for the server, databases, template engine, logging... → Define the routes and specify the port to listen to requests on. → Build and run the project. 13/37 — CodeMobile 2017
public let random: (Int) -> Int = { Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32($0))) } #else import Glibc public let random: (Int) -> Int = { while true { let x = Glibc.random() % $0 let y = Glibc.random() % $0 guard x == y else { return x } } } #endif 15/37 — CodeMobile 2017
app in the container, edit the project in Xcode. IBM have an almost complete version of Foundation and a complete version of Dispatch that matches those available on macOS. ibmcom/swift-ubuntu 18/37 — CodeMobile 2017
run Vapor with a Kitura server. → There are plugins for almost anything you want to do. Security, databases, sockets, templates, Logging, 26/37 — CodeMobile 2017