Bois style. To maintain consistency in your designs, here is a Du Bois-style color palette. Note the use of the Pan-African colors [9] (used 20 years before they were defined). Black, brown, and gold are used to indicate racial makeup in plates 1, 13, and 54. Plates 12, 50, and 51 use black to indicate slavery, and green for freedom. Color RGB Hex black brown tan gold pink crimson green blue purple rgb(0,0,0) rgb(101,67,33) rgb(210,180,140) rgb(255,215,0) rgb(255,192,203) rgb(220,20,60) rgb(0,128,0) rgb(70,130,180) rgb(126,101,131) #000000 #654321 #d2b48c #ffd700 #ffc0cb #dc143c #00aa00 #4682b4 #7e6583