Founded 2014 Switzerland’s leading DevOps, Docker, Kubernetes, Rancher, OpenShift and 24/7 cloud operations partner First Kubernetes Certi ed Provider in 2
interface to all clusters Built-in monitoring User management Very easy to use Particularly adapted for dev & test clusters Customers love GUI GUI brings 80-90%… …the rest through kubectl apply Added Value 8
EKS doesn’t work (for the moment) Works with Hetzner, Cloudscale, Exoscale For AKS / EKS we use Terraform Then import the cluster into Rancher separately Some Limitations 12
it as a solution for updates in our OpenShift clusters Replacing our current Ansible playbooks! System Upgrade Controller for Kubernetes 21
AG – Neugasse 10 – CH-8005 Zürich – +41 44 545 53 00 – – Rancher and the cow logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Rancher Labs, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Other brand names mentioned herein are for identi cation purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective holder(s). Thanks! 24