With OpenShift 3 reaching soon its end-of-life, businesses must consider migrating their clusters to the latest and greatest version. In this talk we will review the most common ways to migrate clusters from OpenShift 3 to version 4.
3.11 → RH Ceph Storage in 4 GlusterFS no longer supported Standalone CephFS no longer supported Standalone Ceph RBD no longer supported Crea ng a Migra on Plan 1/3 9
3.7, 3.9, 3.10 or 3.11 cluster-admin privileges on all clusters Unrestricted network access to replica on repository Migra on controller has access to all other clusters Health check! Migra on Plan Prerequisites Podman 12
use DeploymentConfig if you need Automa c rollbacks, Triggers, Lifecycle hooks, Custom strategies Down me Load balancer between both clusters as mi ga on DNS considera ons Fine tuning and tes ng! Gotchas 2/2 20