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SOLID Frontend Architecture. Do we need it? Yes...

SOLID Frontend Architecture. Do we need it? Yes! for Commit Conf 19

It's very common to think that "the UI" is a simple thing that it doesn't deserve the same effort as the Backend, even some architects think it's only a "box" in their design.
But if we want to have a maintainable and extensible web app we need to apply the same principles as in Backend:
- we need to design a robust architecture,
- apply software design main OOP principles,
- and define and measure strong metrics.

What happens if "the UI" is left in programmers hands only?
Frontend world has not evolved as quickly as Backend. We can't apply yet the "microservices" concept in its full meaning but it doesn't mean that there are not options to get closer.

In this presentation I want to explain how to apply S.O.L.I.D. OOP principles to Frontend architecture. I want to demonstrate that there are options to avoid the typical Frontend disasters, how to extend a good design to code level, what is cognitive complexity and how to measure it.

To sum up, Frontend not only deserves architecture time, it's mandatory for the sake of the project.

José Suárez

November 19, 2019

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  26. 33

  27. What we understand as common complexity is Cyclomatic Complexity: •

    It’s the ”standard” subject when we talk about “complexity”. • It’s absolutely spot-on for testability. • Scores exactly the minimum number of test cases in a method needed to fully unit test that method. SOLID Frontend Architecture. Do we need it? YES! …BUT about maintainability it misses the mark. Cognitive Complexity
  28. Guiding Principles • Increment for BREAKS in LINEAR FLOW. •

    Increment for NESTING. SOLID Frontend Architecture. Do we need it? YES! Measure understandability Incent good code Cognitive Complexity
  29. SOLID Frontend Architecture. Do we need it? YES! Cognitive Complexity

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  30. Increment for BREAKS in LINEAR FLOW: • loops • switch

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  31. Increment for NESTING: • loops • switch • catch •

    if, else if, else, ternary operators • nested method / lambda SOLID Frontend Architecture. Do we need it? YES! Cognitive Complexity Measure understandability Incent good code VS
  32. “It's very common to think that 'the UI' is a

    simple thing that doesn't deserve the same effort as the Backend, even some architects think it's only a 'box' in their design” José Suárez SOLID Frontend Architecture. Do we need it? YES THANK YOU GRACIAS Robots & Cubes and Frontend dancers! Legos The talk with SOLID Frontend Architecture. Do we need it? YES! COMMIT CONF