env default)’ alias dl='docker ps -l -q' alias drun='docker run -t -i’ alias dstop='docker stop' alias dip="docker inspect \`dl\` | grep IPAddress | cut -d '\"' -f 4" function dbash
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между ruby:2.3-onbuild ruby:2.3-alpine ruby: 2.3-slim? • Как понять что мне нужен отдельный контейнер для чего-то (например для sidekiq)? Для чего точно не стоит использовать контейнеры? (persisted data) • Monit/autostart containers • How to automate deploy (with downtime and without)? • What data goes to Docker Hub? Should .dockerignore be equal .gitignore? Alternatives for Docker Hub? Slow connection? • What data will be kept (volumes) after restarting containers? How to share between different VMs (not containers)? • How to protect data from being erased because of misconfiguration? What the best way to backup data?
started properly on OS X, but didn’t start properly with same configuration on Ubuntu 19. (failed to pass postgres authentication). I manage to run on Ubuntu 16 previous version of postgres container, but failed to run this version on OS X. What could be the problem? How often such different behaviour occurs? Are there any guarantee that my container tested on OS X with same configuration will work in the same way on other host?