now? We’re working on our MVP... Your what? Our Minimum Viable--Valuable?--Product, not sure. Anyway, that’s what we’re working on. Cool, how do you go about creating a MVP? Uh, not totally sure. We’re just sort of trying to find a minimum feature set.
prediction of what I’ll need to survive for 2 months in the middle of nowhere. Experiment: - Trek into nearby woods and camp out for a few days. Measurement/Learning: - Did I use more/less food than I expected in 3 days? Did I discover gear I needed but didn’t have with me? etc. UX: How do we design effective experiments?
is not directly paying for. Great for: Consumer products, esp. with domain-specific content/features. Image source:
Lean Startup landing page) Strategy: Once a final product has been envisioned, market it as if it’s already completed and measure market interest. Great for: Products with a high degree of uncertainty about market interest.
core part of Modern UX Practice. Will usually be a combination of strategies. Light-weight prototypes can be your first ‘Build’ iteration in a build-measure-learn cycle.