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How data can change the world. Open data.

Andreas Amsler
August 27, 2015

How data can change the world. Open data.

Data can change the world, if it is made used and useful. How to make data used by thousands? Allow to re-use it, and for free! INTEROPERABILITY. How do we make open data useful? By actually using it :), and iterate. MAKE.OPENDATA.CH 
& other open hackdays. One leap for x-thousands
: TRANSPORT.OPENDATA.CH. What open data events are next in 2015? What’s the future? We change the world. DATA QUALITY. My approach, I advocate: Five hearts promotion scheme of Open Data. Join OPENDATA.CH. Request: open data. Make open data used and useful. Apply ethics, 
reflect on change.

Andreas Amsler

August 27, 2015

More Decks by Andreas Amsler


  1. Andreas Amsler, 27 August 2015 Fribourg techmeetings.ch HOW DATA CAN

    CHANGE THE WORLD Agile Web Development Liip.ch Transparency | Innovation | Efficiency Opendata.ch
  2. Elections MAKE.OPENDATA.CH 
 & other open hackdays Research Sports Finance

    Transport Health Berne Law Zurich … Energy 2011–today
  3. What open data events are next in 2015? 27. Aug

    Romandie meet-up 04/05. Sep Election Hackdays 31. Dec OPENDATA.SWISS …
  4. What’s the future? national data infrastructure as many data open

    as possible re-use & value maximized we change the world
  5. @andreasamsler +41 43 501 40 05 [email protected] [email protected] Join opendata.ch

    Request: open data Make open data used and useful Apply ethics, 
 reflect on change