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Open Data – for Fun and Profit

Andreas Amsler
October 26, 2016

Open Data – for Fun and Profit

„Just as the supply of basic physical infrastructure is essential to the traditional economy, so the supply of basic information ‚infrastructure‘ is essential to the ‚information‘ economy.“
→ Rufus Pollock, 2008: The Economics of Public Sector Information.

„Enabling Business Model Innovation with basic data infrastructures.“
→ Hannes Gassert, 2015: Open Data Business Model Generation. https://speakerdeck.com/hannesgassert/open-data-business-model-generation

„An actual request for data is a door opener. Without it, 
 we have no proof of a need.“
→ an exemplary feedback from Swiss public administration

Andreas Amsler

October 26, 2016

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  1. Andreas Amsler, 26 October 2016 zhaw.ch, CAS Data Product Design

    OPEN DATA – 
 FOR FUN AND PROFIT Agile Web Development Liip.ch Transparency | Innovation | Efficiency Opendata.ch
  2. board member of opendata.ch product owner, bizdev with liip.ch building

    data infrastructure opendata.swiss data.stadt-zuerich.ch …
  3. „Just as the supply of basic physical infrastructure is essential

    to the traditional economy, so the supply of basic information ‚infrastructure‘ is essential to the ‚information‘ economy.“ → Rufus Pollock, 2008: The Economics of Public Sector Information.
  4. Data can change our world, a business etc. only if

    the data is made used and useful. …
  5. Make data used by thousands, and useful for millions: Make

    it open: allow to re-use it, and for free!
  6. YES, BETTER DATA QUALITY ! → slide (Sept. 2013) from

    Chris Taggart, opencorporates.com
  7. „An actual request for data is a door opener. Without

 we have no proof of a need.“ → an exemplary feedback from Swiss public administration
  8. @andreasamsler +41 43 501 40 05 andreas.amsler@liip.ch andreas.amsler@opendata.ch Follow @opendataCH

    Request open data Make open data used and useful Apply ethics, 
 reflect on change