I started my IT career as software developer in Magenta Development – international company that uses multiagency technologies to automate process in logicstic, commerce and advertising. After graduating I've used to work as Senior Java Developer in Luxoft, UBS Investment Bank Departmant and my goals were not only development, but also agile process improvement, team coordination, test automation and etc. Beside of that I've joined Luxoft Agile Practice and used to provide agile consulting service.

In 2012 I've joined ScrumTrek team as coach and consultant and now I help russian companies improve and transform their product development process making focus on engineering practcies as TDD, ATDD, AFT, Refactoring, Continuous Deployment and etc. Moreover in 2012 I've found Russian Software Craftsmanship Community, which goal is popularization and knowledge/experience sharing between software engineers. Now I facilitate different meetings and activities such as Code&Coffee, Coding Dojos and etc.


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