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Android Architecture Components Codelab

Android Architecture Components Codelab

Use the new Android Architecture Components in a simple List codelab.

Andres Vasquez

September 23, 2017

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  1. GDG Hola! Soy Andrés Vasquez - Ing. Telecomunicaciones. - Android

    Certificate - +5 años experiencia. - Mojix - Jakare SRL.
  2. LifeCycle Manage your app's lifecycle with ease. Lifecycle-aware components -

    LiveData - ViewModel - LifecycleObserver - LifecycleOwner
  3. Reactive Programming Is a programming paradigm oriented around data flow

    and the propagation of change. Object x - Subscribe - Unsubscribe Lifecycle
  4. Room A SQLite object mapping library Data persistence - Entity

    - DAO - Database ➔ Compilation time check. ➔ Interface access. ➔ Object mapping.
  5. The sample Follow the instructions in: codelab/Steps.txt Master Branch: -

    Layouts, adapters, Fragments UI. - TODO Step # - Use the steps to complete the codelab Complete Branch