(photos sometimes look strange but view opt-out available) - also enable per activity if needed 3) Use Custom theme (-night resource qualifier e.g. values-night) • Material design page dedicated to designing dark theme - https://material.io/design/color/dark-theme.html • Google I/O talk - https://youtu.be/OCHEjeLC_UY @andyb129
in chrome area (top/bottom/left/right) • Gesture areas (home - bottom, back - left+right edge) • Exclusion rects ◦ Home gesture never excluded as only exit point from app ◦ The DrawerLayout and SeekBar components support automatic opt-out behavior out of the box. Gesture Navigation
Copy to clipboard (top right) • New sharing shortcut api • Joe birch blog link -> https://joebirch.co/2019/03/26/exploring-andro id-q-sharing-shortcuts/ • Google I/O talk - What’s new in Android OS User interface - https://youtu.be/nWbW58RMteI
Apps can requests high or max priority (causes popup - use sparingly) ◦ OS heuristics - essential device function, comms from person, events/alarms ◦ User always gets final say (long press to switch between priority/gentle) • Notification actions - smart replies from OS @andyb129 slides ~ bit.ly/2JeHWyY
Allows transparent overlays on screen ◦ Privacy concerns i.e. think your typing into one screen but actually another ◦ Always running (battery/performance) • Solution - Bubbles API ◦ Developer preview in API 29 (turn on in dev settings) ◦ Progressive rollout - dev settings, system setting and then deprecated SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW in later API @andyb129
Unbundled (will be an AndroidX library) • WARNING! Pre-alpha - Very early stages (test with AndroidX toolchain installed) • Kotlin compiler plugin used for annotations (no annotation processor) • Compatible with existing views so you can mix and match d.android.com/jetpackcompose Google I/O Talk (Declarative UI Patterns) - https://youtu.be/VsStyq4Lzxo Jetpack - Compose
Backwards compatible to Lollipop (API 5.0) - version alpha-04 • Extensions from manufacturers for device specific functions i.e. HDR, Portrait, Night mode etc. @andyb129
(alpha 4) (android.preference is deprecated) • Work manager - 2.0 - Just went stable (AndroidX) • Navigation - 2.0 - Just went stable (AndroidX) • SaveState for ViewModel 1.0 alpha (store values to survive process death) • NEW! Benchmarking 1.0 alpha - performance testing https://developer.android.com/studio/profile/benchmark • Lifecycles, LiveData and Room - now with coroutines https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/viewmodels-with-saved-state-jetpack-navigation-data-binding-and-coroutine s-df476b78144e