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Introduction to CRuby Source Code MWRC

Introduction to CRuby Source Code MWRC

Understanding of CRuby source code has profound effects on every Ruby developer. In my talk, I will show you how to build Ruby from source. I will explain how to install and configure your new Ruby build on Mac and Linux. I will walk you through CRuby source code and introduce you to a few of the most important CRuby files. I will show you how to hack CRuby and modify some of the fundament Ruby classes in C. I will demonstrate how to write complete Ruby classes in C. Finally, I will show you that CRuby code can run 100 times faster than Ruby code. I hope that this talk will inspire you to learn more about CRuby and hack it on your own.


March 20, 2014

More Decks by AntiTyping

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Speed Up Ruby • Rewrite parts of your code in

    C • 10x - 50x times faster @AntiTyping
  2. Ruby + C • Ruby productivity and ecosystem • C

    efficiency, speed, and algorithms @AntiTyping
  3. Get the source ! $ mkdir ~/mwrc-ruby $ chmod go-w

    ~/mwrc-ruby $ cd ~/mwrc-ruby $ git clone [email protected]:ruby/ruby.git $ cd ruby $ git checkout v2_0_0_247 fix for make check @AntiTyping
  4. Configure (Mac) $ brew install openssl $ autoconf $ ./configure

    --prefix=$HOME/myruby --with- opt-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.1f optflags="-O0" debugflags="-g" --disable- install-doc @AntiTyping
  5. Configure (Linux) $ sudo apt install libssl-dev $ autoconf $

    ./configure --prefix=$HOME/myruby optflags="-O0" debugflags="-g3 -ggdb" -- disable-install-doc @AntiTyping
  6. Trust but Verify $ which irb /Users/apliszka/myruby/bin/irb $ irb irb(main):001:0>

    raise "hi" RuntimeError: hi from (irb):1 from /Users/apliszka/myruby/bin/irb:12:in `<main>' $ which ruby /Users/apliszka/myruby/bin/ruby @AntiTyping
  7. gem env $ gem env ! RubyGems Environment: - RUBYGEMS

    VERSION: 2.0.3 - RUBY VERSION: 2.0.0 (2013-06-27 patchlevel 247) [x86_64-darwin12.5.0] - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /Users/apliszka/myruby/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0 - RUBY EXECUTABLE: /Users/apliszka/myruby/bin/ruby - EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: /Users/apliszka/myruby/bin - RUBYGEMS PLATFORMS: - ruby - x86_64-darwin-12 - GEM PATHS: - /Users/apliszka/myruby/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0 - GEM CONFIGURATION: - :update_sources => true - :verbose => true - :backtrace => false - :bulk_threshold => 1000 - REMOTE SOURCES: - https://rubygems.org/ @AntiTyping
  8. Gems $ gem list ! *** LOCAL GEMS *** !

    bigdecimal (1.2.0) io-console (0.4.2) json (1.7.7) minitest (4.3.2) psych (2.0.0) rake (0.9.6) rdoc (4.0.0) test-unit ( $ ls ~/myruby/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/! rake-0.9.6! rdoc-4.0.0! test-unit- @AntiTyping
  9. Install Rails $ ls ~/myruby/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/! ! actionmailer-4.0.0! actionpack-4.0.0! activemodel-4.0.0! activerecord-4.0.0!

    activerecord-deprecated_finders-1.0.3! activesupport-4.0.0! arel-4.0.1! atomic-1.1.14! builder-3.1.4! ... $ gem install rails --no-doc @AntiTyping
  10. Rails app $ rails new HelloRuby! create! create README.rdoc! create

    Rakefile! ...! ! $ cd HelloRuby! ! $ rails s! ! => Booting WEBrick! => Rails 4.0.0 application starting in development on http://! => Run `rails server -h` for more startup options! => Ctrl-C to shutdown server! [2013-10-29 15:54:21] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1! ...
  11. Level 1 Complete • Build our own version of Ruby

    • Installed it • Rails app is using our Ruby (~/myruby) • It took ~30min 10
  12. Debuggers • lldb • gdb • Xcode lldb • Vim

    • Emacs • cgdb @AntiTyping
  13. lldb $ lldb ~/myruby/bin/ruby upstring.rb! (lldb) breakpoint set -l 4779

    -f string.c (lldb) run puts "Hello".upcase String#upcase @AntiTyping
  14. Class definition void Init_CLongArray(void) { ! # 1. Create a

    class cCLongArray = rb_define_class("CLongArray", rb_cObject); ! # 2. Allocate memory rb_define_alloc_func(cCLongArray, array_alloc); ! # 3. Define constructor rb_define_method(cCLongArray, "initialize", array_initialize, 1); ! # 4. Define constructor rb_define_method(cCLongArray, "qsort", array_quick_sort, 0); rb_define_method(cCLongArray, "[]", array_aref, 1); rb_define_method(cCLongArray, "[]=", array_aset, 2); } @AntiTyping
  15. Two Worlds • C! • Working directly with memory •

    malloc/free • Ruby! • Working with heap and objects • GC @AntiTyping
  16. Type conversion Ruby Fixnum -> C long long c_num =

    NUM2LONG(ruby_num); C long -> Ruby Fixnum VALUE ruby_num = LONG2NUM(c_num); @AntiTyping
  17. Level 3 Complete • CRuby folder structure • How to

    define a method • How to define a new class • How to convert data C <-> Ruby 20
  18. Fixnum#fib long fibonacci(long n) { long u = 0; long

    v = 1; long i, t; for(i = 2; i <= n; i++) { t = u + v; u = v; v = t; } return v; } class Fixnum def fib u = 0 v = 1 t = 1 2.upto(self) do t = u + v u = v v = t end t end end Ruby C @AntiTyping
  19. Fixnum#fib long fibonacci(long n) { long u = 0; long

    v = 1; long i, t; for(i = 2; i <= n; i++) { t = u + v; u = v; v = t; } return v; } static VALUE fix_cfib(VALUE self) { long u = 0; long v = 1; long i, t; for(i = 2; i <= NUM2LONG(self); i++ { t = u + v; u = v; v = t; } return LONG2NUM(v); } C CRuby rb_define_method(rb_cFixnum, "cfib", fix_cfib, 0); numeric.c @AntiTyping
  20. #fib performance it "1M benchmark" do puts "fib(80)" puts Benchmark.measure()

    { 1000000.times { 80.fib } } end ! it "C 1M benchmark" do puts "cfib(80)" puts Benchmark.measure() { 1000000.times { 80.cfib } } end fib(80) 26.440000 0.050000 26.490000 ( 26.704735) cfib(80) 0.870000 0.000000 0.870000 ( 0.879011) CRuby is ~30x faster than Ruby (Macbook Pro) @AntiTyping
  21. Fixnum#prime? static VALUE fix_cprime(VALUE self) { long number = NUM2LONG(self);

    long i; for (i = 2; i < number; i++) { if (number % i == 0 && i != number) return Qfalse; } return Qtrue; } class Fixnum def prime? 2.upto(self) do |i| if self % i == 0 && i != self return false; end end true end end Ruby CRuby rb_define_method(rb_cFixnum, "cprime?", fix_cprime, 0) numeric.c @AntiTyping
  22. #cprime? performance prime? 30.510000 0.060000 30.570000 ( 31.414153) cprime? 1.590000

    0.000000 1.590000 ( 1.774056) CRuby is ~17x faster than Ruby (Macbook Pro) it "prime? benchmark" do puts "prime?" puts Benchmark.measure { 94418953.prime? } #Markov end ! it "cprime? benchmark" do puts "cprime?" puts Benchmark.measure { 94418953.cprime? } #Markov end @AntiTyping
  23. CLongArray class void Init_CLongArray(void) { cCLongArray = rb_define_class("CLongArray", rb_cObject); !

    rb_define_alloc_func(cCLongArray, array_alloc); ! rb_define_method(cCLongArray, "initialize", array_initialize, 1); rb_define_method(cCLongArray, "qsort", array_quick_sort, 0); rb_define_method(cCLongArray, "[]", array_aref, 1); rb_define_method(cCLongArray, "[]=", array_aset, 2); } @AntiTyping
  24. CLongArray alloc static VALUE array_alloc(VALUE klass) { VALUE self; array_t

    *array; self = Data_Make_Struct(klass, array_t, arr_mark, arr_free, array); return self; } typedef struct { long *array; long size; } array_t; @AntiTyping
  25. CLongArray init static VALUE array_initialize(VALUE self, long size) { array_t

    *array; Data_Get_Struct(self, array_t, array); array->array = malloc(size * sizeof(long)); array->size = size; return self; } typedef struct { long *array; long size; } array_t; CLongArray.new(10) @AntiTyping
  26. CLongArray [] static VALUE array_aref(VALUE self, VALUE index) { array_t

    *array; Data_Get_Struct(self, array_t, array); long idx = NUM2LONG(index); return LONG2NUM(array->array[idx]); } ! puts c_long_array[1] rb_define_method(cCLongArray, "[]", array_aref, 1); @AntiTyping
  27. CLongArray []= static VALUE array_aset(VALUE self, VALUE index, VALUE val)

    { array_t *array; Data_Get_Struct(self, array_t, array); long idx = NUM2LONG(index); array->array[idx] = NUM2LONG(val); return val; } ! c_long_array[1] = 99 rb_define_method(cCLongArray, "[]=", array_aset, 2); @AntiTyping
  28. CLongArray qsort static VALUE array_quick_sort(VALUE self) { array_t *array; Data_Get_Struct(self,

    array_t, array); quick_sort(array->array, array->size); return self; } c_long_array.qsort rb_define_method(cCLongArray, "qsort", array_quick_sort, 0); @AntiTyping
  29. Plain C QuickSort void quick_sort (long *a, long n) {

    if (n < 2) return; long p = a[n / 2]; long *l = a; long *r = a + n - 1; while (l <= r) { if (*l < p) { l++; continue; } if (*r > p) { r--; continue; } long t = *l; *l++ = *r; *r-- = t; } quick_sort(a, r - a + 1); quick_sort(l, a + n - l); } @AntiTyping
  30. QuickSort Performance CRuby is ~10x faster than Ruby (Macbook Air)

    it “C 1_000_000 numbers benchmark" do puts "CLongArray#qsort" puts Benchmark.measure() { @c_long_array.qsort } end ! it "1_000_000 numbers benchmark" do puts "Array#sort!" puts Benchmark.measure() { @ruby_array.sort! } end CLongArray#qsort 0.270000 0.000000 0.270000 ( 0.173161) Array#sort! 1.910000 0.010000 1.920000 ( 1.786345) @AntiTyping
  31. Graph Representation Adjacency-List Representation typedef struct _node_t { long node;

    struct _node_t *next; } node_t; typedef struct _graph_t { long side; node_t **graph; } graph_t; @AntiTyping
  32. CGraph class void Init_cgraph(void) { cGraph = rb_define_class("CGraph", rb_cObject); !

    rb_define_alloc_func(cGraph, cgraph_alloc); ! rb_define_method(cGraph, "initialize", cgraph_initialize, 1); rb_define_method(cGraph, "bfs", cgraph_bfs, 1); rb_define_method(cGraph, "dfs", cgraph_dfs, 1); rb_define_method(cGraph, "prim", cgraph_prim, 1); } @AntiTyping
  33. CGraph alloc static VALUE cgraph_alloc(VALUE klass) { VALUE self; graph_t

    *graph; self = Data_Make_Struct(klass, graph_t, cgraph_mark, cgraph_free, graph); ! return self; } @AntiTyping
  34. CGraph init static VALUE cgraph_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE side) { graph_t

    *graph; Data_Get_Struct(self, graph_t, graph); graph->side = NUM2LONG(side); graph->graph = make_grid_graph(graph->side); ! return self; } @AntiTyping
  35. CGraph BFS static VALUE cgraph_bfs(VALUE self, VALUE source) { graph_t

    *graph; Data_Get_Struct(self, graph_t, graph); long side = graph->side; long *path; ! path = bfs(side, graph->graph, NUM2LONG(source)); ! VALUE trace = rb_ary_new(); ! rb_gc_register_address(&trace); int i; for (i = 0; i < side*side; i++) { rb_ary_push(trace, LONG2NUM(path[i])); }; rb_gc_unregister_address(&trace); ! xfree(path); return trace; } @AntiTyping
  36. Plain C BFS long *bfs(long side, node_t **graph, long source)

    { long *path = calloc(side*side, sizeof(long)); long path_tail = 0; long *q = calloc(side*side, sizeof(long)); queue_t queue = {0, 0, q}; long *visited = calloc(side*side, sizeof(long)); ! enqueue(&queue, source); visited[source] = 1; while(any(&queue)) { long node = dequeue(&queue); path[path_tail++] = node; node_t *p = graph[node]; while (p) { long i = p->node; if (visited[i] == 0) { enqueue(&queue, i); visited[i] = 1; } p = p->next; } } return path; } @AntiTyping
  37. Grid Graph Creation C -> 535.926 milliseconds Ruby -> 27,901.748

    milliseconds CRuby is ~52x faster than Ruby (Macbook Air) 2048*2048 grid = 4,194,304 nodes @AntiTyping
  38. Grid Graph BFS C -> 228.536 milliseconds Ruby -> 4,426.137

    milliseconds CRuby is ~19x faster than Ruby (Macbook pro) 1024* 1024 grid = 1,048,576 nodes @AntiTyping
  39. Epilog • Ruby internals • Ruby metaprogramming • Ruby object

    model • Use C to speed up your Ruby algorithms • Rewrite in C are usually very easy • Original C algorithm code can be used without modifications @AntiTyping