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Introduction to ReactJs

Introduction to ReactJs

Low-level introduction to React, how components are created, and how they can integrate with Angular and Node.

Anthony Pipkin

July 21, 2015

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  1. SMALLER UPDATES User makes a request Server builds page Server

    sends it back User triggers a change Server builds the response Server sends it back
  2. CLIENT-SIDE TEMPLATING User makes a request Server builds page Server

    sends it back User triggers a change Server builds the response data Server sends it back Client compiles UI from template
  3. CLIENT-SIDE TEMPLATING User makes a request Server builds page Server

    sends it back User triggers a change Server builds the response data Server sends it back Client compiles UI from template
  4. https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/why-react.html React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces

    by Facebook and Instagram. Many people choose to think of React as the V in MVC. We built React to solve one problem: building large applications with data that changes over time.
  5. https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/why-react.html React challenges a lot of conventional wisdom, and at

    first glance some of the ideas may seem crazy. Give it five minutes
  6. REACT ELEMENT var el = React.createElement(‘a’, { href: ‘/about/‘, className:

    ‘nav’ }, [‘About Us’]); JS createElement(type, props, children);
  7. REACT ELEMENT var el = React.createElement(‘a’, { href: ‘/about/‘, className:

    ‘nav’ }, [‘About Us’]); var el = (<a href=“/about/“ className=“nav”>About Us</a>); JSX JS createElement(type, props, children);
  8. REACT COMPONENT var link = React.createClass({ render: function () {

    return ( <a href=“/about/“ className=“nav”>About Us</a> ); } });
  9. SIMPLE DEMO http://jsbin.com/buwoba/edit?js,output var Header = React.createClass({ render: function ()

    { return ( <span>{this.props.name}</span> ) } }); React.render(<Header name="Atlanta Full Stack" />, document.getElementById('app'));
  10. SLIGHTLY MORE COMPLICATED DEMO http://jsbin.com/rezabe/edit?js,output var Event = React.createClass({ getDefaultProps:

    function () { var _date = new Date(); return { name: 'Sample Name', date: _date, time: _date }; }, render: function () { return ( <div> <Header name={this.props.name} /> <DateTime date={this.props.date} time={this.props.time} /> </div> ); } });
  11. INTEGRATES WITH ANGULAR http://jsbin.com/pokidat/6/edit?js,output app.directive('appHeader', function () { return{ restrict:

    'E', scope: '=', link: function (scope, el, attrs) { React.render(<Header name={attrs.headername}/>, el[0]); scope.$watch('headerName', function (newVal, prevVal) { React.render(<Header name={newVal}/>, el[0]); }); } }; });
  12. WORKS ON NODE.JS var handlerFn = function (request, reply) {

    reply( React.renderToStaticMarkup( React.createElement(Header, { name: "Atlanta FullStack” }) ) ); };
  13. WHO IS USING REACT Facebook Instagram Yahoo Atom Khan Academy

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