"magic" <body ng-app="clarityApp">...</body> is actually doing this angular.element(document).ready(function () { angular.bootstrap(document, ['clarityApp']); }); not so magical, right?
data attributes are intended to store custom data private to the page or application, for which there are no more appropriate attributes or elements. ~ W3C Specification
(newVal, prevVal) { if (newVal === prevVal) { return; } // happens during initialization // do stuff with the newVal }); $apply $scope.$apply(); // runs $digest $on; $emit; $broadcast $scope.$on('someEvent', function () { }); $scope.$emit('someEvent'); // crawls scope tree firing the event $scope.$broadcast('someEvent'); // tells everyone regardless of tree
S"/> Transclusion <mui-media mui-image="//placekitten.com/60/60"> <h2>Marvin the Cat</h2> <p>This is a very special kitty!</p> </mui-media> Out of scope of this talk :-(