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Introduction to AngularJs

Introduction to AngularJs

A brief introduction to AngularJs and Angular's terminology.

For full slides: http://slides.com/apipkin/introduction-to-angular-js

Anthony Pipkin

July 10, 2014

More Decks by Anthony Pipkin

Other Decks in Technology


  1. We DON'T need: Assembly Bash COBOL C C++ Coldfusion Java

    MySQL PHP Ruby Shell Et Cetera Et Cetera
  2. Why AngularJs Relatively low learning curve * POJOs throughout Built

    on solid, modular opinions Created and used by Google YouTube (PS3) DoubleClick Community #angular on freenode StackOverflow egghead.io
  3. While there is IE 8 Stay within 1.2.x And follow

    the notes on: https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/ie
  4. No, really, what is it? SDC S - Service -

    Similar to a Model D - Directive - Similar to a View * C - Controller - Similar to a Controller?
  5. * AngularJs uses HTML as your template language through the

    use of directives and custom (data-) attributes. This is smart, quick, and useful.
  6. Getting it on the page Include it in the <head>

    <!doctype html> <html> <head> ... <script src="//cdn.manheim.com/assets/js/angular.js"></script> </head> ... </html>
  7. Add a little Magic Add `ng-app` upstream <!doctype html> <html>

    <head> ... <script src="//cdn.manheim.com/assets/js/angular.js"></script> </head> ... anywhere upstream
  8. What's actually going on `ng-app` sought out by `angular.bootstrap` this

    "magic" <body ng-app="clarityApp">...</body> is actually doing this angular.element(document).ready(function () { angular.bootstrap(document, ['clarityApp']); }); not so magical, right?
  9. But what about validation?? Use `data-` prefixes if you want.

    <body ng-app>...</body> <body data-ng-app>...</body>
  10. But I don't want logic in my layout! õ.Ô Custom

    data attributes are intended to store custom data private to the page or application, for which there are no more appropriate attributes or elements. ~ W3C Specification
  11. Creating an app <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>Clarity App</title> <script

    src="/js/angular.js"> <!-- contents go here --> </div> <script src="/js/clairtyApp.js"> // js/clarityApp.js ;(function () { 'use strict'; var app = angular.module('clarityApp', []); }());
  12. First controller app.controller('SearchCtrl', function () { var _this = this;

    this.count = 0; this.btnPress = function () { _this.count++; }; }); <div ng-controller="SearchCtrl as search"> {{search.count}}<br> <button ng-click="search.btnPress()">++</button> </div>
  13. Dependency Injection of $scope app.controller('SearchCtrl', function ($scope) { // ...

    }); Doesn't work when minimized app.controller('SearchCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) { // ... }]);
  14. $scope API $watch $scope.$watch(function () { return _this.count; }, function

    (newVal, prevVal) { if (newVal === prevVal) { return; } // happens during initialization // do stuff with the newVal }); $apply $scope.$apply(); // runs $digest $on; $emit; $broadcast $scope.$on('someEvent', function () { }); $scope.$emit('someEvent'); // crawls scope tree firing the event $scope.$broadcast('someEvent'); // tells everyone regardless of tree
  15. Services Able to keep data logic out of the scope

    of the controller Can be shared between controllers
  16. Let's build one! app.service('TwitterService', function () { var _this =

    this; this.results = []; this.search = function (query) { }; }); app.controller('SearchCtrl', function (TwitterService) { var _this = this; this.query = ''; this.btnSearch = function () { TwitterService.search(_this.query); }; });
  17. DI in a Service app.service('TwitterService', function ($http) { var _this

    = this; this.results = []; this.search = function (query) { return $http({ url: 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json', params: { q: query } }).then(function (resp) { _this.results = resp.statuses; // array of statuses return resp.statuses; }); }; }); app.controller('ResultsCtrl', function ($scope, TwitterService) { var _this = this; this.results = []; $scope.$watch(function () { return TwitterService. results; }, function (newVal, prevVal) { if (newVal === prevVal) { return; } _this.results = newVal; }); });
  18. Directives marker on an HTML tag that tells Angular to

    run or reference some JS code <body ng-app></body> <body ng-app="clarityApp"></body> <body data-ng-app></body> <body data-ng-app="clarityApp"></body>
  19. Real life example <div ng-controller="ResultsCtrl as results"> <ul> <li class="media"

    ng-repeat="status in results.results"> <div class="img"> <img src="{{status.user.profile_image_url}}" width="60" height="60"> </div> <div class="content"> <h2>{{status.user.name}} {{"@" + status.user.screen_name}}</h2> <p>{{status.text}}</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div>
  20. There so much more! Custom directives <mui-ymmt mui-year="2014" mui-make="Tesla" mui-model="Model

    S"/> Transclusion <mui-media mui-image="//placekitten.com/60/60"> <h2>Marvin the Cat</h2> <p>This is a very special kitty!</p> </mui-media> Out of scope of this talk :-(
  21. Filters add filters using pipes Currency {{ 3.2 | currency

    }} // $3.20 Date {{ '1388123412323' | date }} // Dec 27, 2013 Strings {{ 'Hello, world!' | uppercase }} // HELLO, WORLD! {{ 'Hello, world!' | lowercase }} // hello, world!
  22. but wait, there's more Combining them {{ '1388123412323' | date

    | uppercase }} // DEC 27, 2013 This is just the beginning!
  23. Custom Filters app.filter('userLink', function () { return function (str) {

    if (typeof str !== 'string') { str = String(str); } return str.replace(/@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/gi, '<a href="http://twitter.com/$1" target="_blank" class="tAt">@$1</a>' ); }; });
  24. "AJAX" and SEO Search engines don't run javascript <!doctype html>

    <html> <head> <script src="/js/angular.js">
  25. Another time Angular specific CSS Templates Custom directives $scope inheritance

    Factory > Provider > Service ng-route angular-ui modules and organization