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January 18, 2019


Detecting objects in deep space using deep learning


January 18, 2019

More Decks by Miguel

Other Decks in Science


  1. Next generation telescope - 8.4 meter telescope. - 10 years

    of observations. - Observations in 6 optical bands. - 200 000 images per year. - 37 billion stars and galaxies - Accurate measurement of dark matter and dark energy. - 20TB of data per night. - Require 100PB of storage.
  2. The data - Simulations of LSST data for first 3

    year of operations. - Provides time series in 6 bands and additional metadata [e.g. distance] - 14 classes. Unknown interpretation. - 7848 training objects, 3.5 million tests objects. - Part of the PLAsTiCC Kaggle challenge. Easy features!
  3. Data preprocessing - Creating features from time series. - Natively

    scale Python. - Allows running preprocessing of the test set, which is later than memory. - Automatically use all CPU cores. import dask.dataframe as dd df = dd.read_csv(path_in) df = df.repartition(npartitions=1000) df.to_parquet(path_out)
  4. Network architecture - Experimented with different unsupervised methods. - Used

    the PyTorch framework: - On the right is one example of a neural network.
  5. Results - Quite a simple network gives 72% accuracy. -

    Large class imbalanced. Optimize using a custom loss function. - Some classes trickier than others.
  6. Conclusions - The Large-aperture Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will be

    very important for understanding dark energy, dark matter, detecting super novae and transients. - DASK. Allows for parallel out-of-core processing from Python. - PyTorch. Flexible framework for deep learning. - Irregular sparse time series. Annoyingly tricky. - AI Saturday. Why not join?