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Real World Ruby Performance

Aaron Quint
November 19, 2014

Real World Ruby Performance

My talk from RubyConf 2014 about Ruby Performance and the philosophy of performance.

Aaron Quint

November 19, 2014

More Decks by Aaron Quint

Other Decks in Programming


  1. I’ve learned so much over the past 5 years, what

    could I share? This TALK was HARD TO WRITE
  2. How to THINK about a problem is much more interesting

    than how to solve it. As a mentor I want to teach philosophy not snippets
  3. aka, speeding up a single query, controller action, or code

    path Vertical: Fix individual Elements
  4. ppprofiler • Auto-cache toggling • Benchmark • Rblineprof • As::Notification

    Counts (SQL/Cache, etc) • MemoryProfiler (NEW!) • Gist-able (markdown) output
  5. ! [paperless@production-webapp10 current]$ stackprof tmp/stackprof-cpu-30715-1391204970.dump ================================== Mode: cpu(1000) Samples: 1761

    (3.61% miss rate) GC: 128 (7.27%) ================================== TOTAL (pct) SAMPLES (pct) FRAME 344 (19.5%) 342 (19.4%) Statsd#send_to_socket 393 (22.3%) 44 (2.5%) Statsd#sampled 44 (2.5%) 44 (2.5%) block in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLPoolAdapter#execute 56 (3.2%) 29 (1.6%) block in ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout#listeners_for 29 (1.6%) 29 (1.6%) ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter#extract_pg_identifier_from_name 26 (1.5%) 26 (1.5%) ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers::Evented#subscribed_to? 25 (1.4%) 25 (1.4%) String#blank? 25 (1.4%) 25 (1.4%) block (2 levels) in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter#select 24 (1.4%) 24 (1.4%) ActiveRecord::Base.scoped_methods 22 (1.2%) 22 (1.2%) Dalli::Server::KSocket#kgio_wait_readable 21 (1.2%) 21 (1.2%) ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Hash::Keys#assert_valid_keys 42 (2.4%) 20 (1.1%) block in Dalli::Server::KSocket#readfull 28 (1.6%) 19 (1.1%) ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionHandler#retrieve_connection_pool 18 (1.0%) 18 (1.0%) #<Module:0x00000002004b08>.instrumenter 17 (1.0%) 16 (0.9%) Dalli::Server#deserialize 15 (0.9%) 15 (0.9%) block (2 levels) in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter#select_raw 14 (0.8%) 14 (0.8%) #<Module:0x000000033e25d0>.decode_www_form_component 13 (0.7%) 13 (0.7%) Dalli::Server#write 15 (0.9%) 11 (0.6%) ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Calculations#minus_with_coercion 10 (0.6%) 10 (0.6%) block in ActiveRecord::Base.with_scope 10 (0.6%) 10 (0.6%) block in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::QueryCache#cache_sql 21 (1.2%) 10 (0.6%) Yajl::Encoder.encode 10 (0.6%) 10 (0.6%) Set#add 10 (0.6%) 10 (0.6%) block (2 levels) in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter#result_as_array 10 (0.6%) 10 (0.6%) ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Calculations::ClassMethods#time_with_datetime_fallback 9 (0.5%) 9 (0.5%) ActiveRecord::DynamicFinderMatch#initialize 9 (0.5%) 9 (0.5%) ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.logger 9 (0.5%) 9 (0.5%) block in ActionController::Base.action_methods 9 (0.5%) 9 (0.5%) block in ActionController::Base.action_methods 9 (0.5%) 9 (0.5%) block (2 levels) in ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler=
  6. $ ruby test/profile/statsd.rb user system total real udp with connect

    0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 ( 0.074522) udp without connect 0.120000 0.530000 0.650000 ( 13.096515) statsd with connect 0.000000 0.090000 0.090000 ( 0.103520) statsd without connect 0.100000 0.620000 0.720000 ( 13.483539)