Dr. rer. nat Asim Abdulkhaleq


Asim Abdulkhaleq is a system safety expert at Robert Bosch GmbH, Leonberg. Mr. Abdulkhaleq was a postdoctoral research assistant at the software engineering group in the software technology institute at University of Stuttgart. Mr. Abdulkhaleq has finished his Ph.D. dissertation in the field of software safety engineering based on STAMP/STPA Model. His research interests includes safety engineering for software-intensive systems. Mr. Abdulkhaleq is working with different automotive companies as a safety expert on how to apply STPA/STAMPP in the development process of the new automotive systems. In 2012, he has gained his M.Sc degree in Information Technology from University of Stuttgart with a master thesis titled "Development of a conception for accessible human-machine-interaction of automation systems using patterns". This work was at the automation and software engineering institute, University of Stuttgart. In 2005, Mr. Abdulkhaleq has gained his B.Sc. degree in computer science. His Bachelor thesis project was "Using computer networks through mobile (SMS Manager Query System)".


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