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Board 3 pt. 2 - Lost Lagoon
Astrum Umbrae
April 25, 2022
Board 3 pt. 2 - Lost Lagoon
Astrum Umbrae
April 25, 2022
More Decks by Astrum Umbrae
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Board 3 pt. 1 - Lost Lagoon
Board 3 pt. 3 - Lost Lagoon
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Scene 2_A Panel 1 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 109/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 2 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 110/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 3 Dialog You’re leaving now? Lost Lagoon
Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 111/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 4 Dialog (cont.) You’re leaving now? Lost
Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 112/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 5 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 113/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 6 Dialog But the festival isn’t over.
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 114/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 7 Dialog (cont.) But the festival isn’t
over. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 115/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 8 Dialog We still have the ball!
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 116/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 9 Dialog Where are you going? Lost
Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 117/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 10 Dialog (cont.) Where are you going?
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 118/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 11 Dialog It’s none of your concern.
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 119/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 12 Dialog Um. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's
Tangled Adventure) Page 120/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 13 Dialog Maybe it would be best
if you were on your way, Dahlia. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 121/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 14 Dialog (cont.) Maybe it would be
best if you were on your way, Dahlia. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 122/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 15 Dialog No. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's
Tangled Adventure) Page 123/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A Panel 16 Dialog She needs to wait until
after the festival. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 124/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1 Panel 1 Dialog (cont.) She needs to wait
until after the festival. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 125/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1 Panel 2 Dialog They can’t know that you
have a (cont.) Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 126/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1 Panel 3 Dialog (cont.) stranger (cont.) Lost Lagoon
Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 127/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1 Panel 4 Dialog (cont.) in your room. You
should know that by now. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 128/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1 Panel 5 Dialog And yes, I’m really leaving.
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 129/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1 Panel 6 Dialog Did you think I was
going to stay? Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 130/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 1 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 131/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 2 Dialog We’ve been having so much
fun together. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 132/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 3 Dialog And yesterday was perfect because…
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 133/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 4 Dialog I knew what it was
like to have a best friend. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 134/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 5 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 135/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 6 Dialog (skeptical squeak) Lost Lagoon Storyboard
(Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 136/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 7 Dialog (skeptical squeak) Lost Lagoon Storyboard
(Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 137/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 8 Dialog A human best friend. Lost
Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 138/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 9 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 139/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 10 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 140/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 11 Dialog Wait, what did you do
yesterday? Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 141/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 12 Dialog Nothing! Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's
Tangled Adventure) Page 142/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 13 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 143/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 14 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 144/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 15 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 145/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 16 Dialog Did you do something exciting?
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 146/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 17 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 147/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 18 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 148/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 19 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 149/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 20 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 150/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 21 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 151/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 22 Dialog Or… Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's
Tangled Adventure) Page 152/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 23 Dialog Not allowed? Lost Lagoon Storyboard
(Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 153/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 24 Dialog Ooooh, that’s it, isn’t it?
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 154/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 25 Dialog As an artist (cont.) Lost
Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 155/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 26 Dialog (cont.) I love to break
boundaries, (cont.) Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 156/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 27 Dialog (cont.) which is just another
name for rules, you know. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 157/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 28 Dialog Artists are born to break
rules! Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 158/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 29 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 159/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 30 Dialog Great choice of friend to
bring back to the castle, Raps. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 160/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 31 Dialog (cont.) Great choice of friend
to bring back to the castle, Raps. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 161/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 32 Dialog Really stellar. Lost Lagoon Storyboard
(Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 162/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 33 Dialog (cont.) Really stellar. Lost Lagoon
Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 163/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 34 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 164/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 35 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 165/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 36 Dialog We went on a simple
outing. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 166/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 37 Dialog (cont.) We went on a
simple outing. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 167/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 38 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 168/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 39 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 169/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 40 Dialog The last few weeks have
just been a lark. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 170/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 41 Dialog You can have a life
of fun, Rapunzel, but I can’t because I’m worried about (cont.) Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 171/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 42 Dialog (cont.) being banished! Lost Lagoon
Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 172/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 43 Dialog Why would you be banished?
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 173/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 44 Dialog Though I wouldn’t judge you
if you were. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 174/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 45 Dialog In stricter countries, artists get
banished (cont.) Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 175/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 46 Dialog (cont.) all the time (cont.)
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 176/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 47 Dialog (cont.) all the time (cont.)
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 177/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 48 Dialog (cont.) because of… Lost Lagoon
Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 178/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A Panel 49 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 179/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 1 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 180/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 2 Dialog You know. Lost Lagoon Storyboard
(Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 181/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 3 Dialog The "rule-breaking" thing? Lost Lagoon
Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 182/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 4 Dialog (cont.) The "rule-breaking" thing? Lost
Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 183/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 5 Dialog (cont.) The "rule-breaking" thing? Lost
Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 184/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 6 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 185/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 7 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 186/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 8 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 187/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 9 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 188/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 10 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 189/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 11 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 190/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 12 Dialog Dahlia,Cassandra is being a little
dramatic. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 191/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 13 Dialog There’s no reason she’d ever
be banished. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 192/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 14 Dialog It’s, um, a game we
like to play sometimes. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 193/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 15 Dialog Who’d get banished first? Lost
Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 194/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 16 Dialog (cont.) Who’d get banished first?
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 195/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 17 Dialog This is not a game.
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 196/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 18 Dialog I’m going. Lost Lagoon Storyboard
(Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 197/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 19 Dialog But what about tomorrow? Lost
Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 198/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 20 Dialog We were going to— Lost
Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 199/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 21 Dialog The time is now. Lost
Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 200/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 22 Dialog I knew I’d be able
to feel the moment when it arrived. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 201/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 23 Dialog And it’s here. Lost Lagoon
Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 202/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 24 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 203/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 25 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 204/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 26 Dialog When you get where you’re
going, will you at least send word (cont.) Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 205/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 27 Dialog (cont.) so that if I’m
ever queen you can be my captain of the guard? Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 206/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 28 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 207/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 29 Dialog It’s not if you become
queen, Raps, it’s when. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 208/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 30 Dialog And that would never work.
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 209/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 31 Dialog The queen and the captain
of the guard have to have absolute trust in each other. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 210/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 32 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 211/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 33 Dialog Please stay. Don’t you at
least want to figure out the— Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 212/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 34 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 213/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 35 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 214/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 36 Dialog Figure out the what? Lost
Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 215/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 37 Dialog Nothing! Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's
Tangled Adventure) Page 216/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 38 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 217/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 39 Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Page 218/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 40 Dialog Whoa. Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's
Tangled Adventure) Page 219/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 41 Dialog The energy in here (cont.)
Lost Lagoon Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 220/313 ch 29-30
Scene 2_A_1_A_1 Panel 42 Dialog (cont.) is wild. Lost Lagoon
Storyboard (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) Page 221/313 ch 29-30