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Watsonを組み込んだUnity アプリ開発ハンズオン -Speech to Text編 /...

Aya Tokura
November 15, 2018

Watsonを組み込んだUnity アプリ開発ハンズオン -Speech to Text編 / Unity and Watson Speech to Text

Unityアプリ開発にIBM Cloudが提供するWatson API「Speech to Text」を活用して音声からテキストを表示させる機能を実装するサンプルを使った操作手順をご紹介いたします。
#Unity #Watson #AI #Cognitive #IBM #IBMCloud

Aya Tokura

November 15, 2018

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  1. Watson%'Unity (#  Speech to Text & !"$  

      Aya.Tokura@ibm.com Twitter: @ayatokura GitHub: ayatokura
  2. c l M D S N B VNe i C

    B a nCW I M A d 
  3. 1. IBM Cloud 2. Watson - Speech to Text API

     3. Unity Assets – Watson Unity SDK 4. Watson API  5. Watson API   6. UnitySpeech to Text   
  4. 1. IBM Cloud 2. Watson - Speech to Text API

     3. Watson API  4. Unity Assets – Watson Unity SDK  5. Watson API  6. UnitySpeech to Text       20181115 
  5. 3 .

  6. 1. IBM Cloud 2. Watson - Speech to Text API

     3. Watson API  4. Unity Assets – Watson Unity SDK 5. Watson API  6. UnitySpeech to Text   
  7. . 2

  8. 1. IBM Cloud 2. Watson - Speech to Text API

     3. Watson API  4. Unity Assets – Watson Unity SDK 5. Watson API  6. UnitySpeech to Text   
  9. 1. IBM Cloud 2. Watson - Speech to Text API

     3. Watson API  4. Unity Assets – Watson Unity SDK 5. Watson API  6. UnitySpeech to Text   
  10. 1 .

  11. .

  12. 1. IBM Cloud 2. Watson - Speech to Text API

     3. Watson API  4. Unity Assets – Watson Unity SDK 5. Watson API  6. UnitySpeech to Text   
  13. . 4 33 private string _serviceUrl = "https://stream.watsonplatform.net/speech-to-text/api"; 44 private

    string _iamApikey = "<Speech_to_Text_API_Key>"; 49 private string _iamUrl = "https://iam.bluemix.net/identity/token";
  14. 1. IBM Cloud 2. Watson - Speech to Text API

     3. Watson API  4. Unity Assets – Watson Unity SDK 5. Watson API  6. UnitySpeech to Text   
  15. 2 .