Everyone is talking about Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS). But what is Operations Management Suite exactly? Get an overview of the most important elements and functionality of Microsoft OMS and learn how your IT organization can benefit from using this new kid on the block at Microsoft.
Stefan Johner is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and works at itnetX AG, a consulting and engineering company located in Bern/Switzerland. Stefan is mainly focused on Microsoft technologies, especially IT Service Management and Automation with System Center and Operations Management Suite.
Stefan Roth works as a Cloud Architect at itnetX AG, a consulting and engineering company located in Switzerland. Stefan is focused on Microsoft technologies, especially in cloud solutions, Microsoft System Center and automation. He's also passionate about PowerShell and interested in software development. Stefan Roth was awarded by Microsoft with the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) Award for his expertise in Cloud and Datacenter Management. Stefan works closely with Microsoft and partners to promote Microsoft technology as speaker for Microsoft and other technical events such as System Center Universe, Experts Live, E2EVC etc.