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Building a Mood Detector App with Python and Azure

Building a Mood Detector App with Python and Azure

This presentation shows the audience how to build an AI-powered web app using Python Flask and the Azure Face API. This web app analyses faces using AI and stores information about the emotion of faces in the image, notifying the user if it detects sad faces multiple times. The web app also serves up a simple HTML page showing the data captured.

Korede Bashir

February 21, 2020

More Decks by Korede Bashir

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Building a Mood Detector App with Python and OpenCV on

    Azure Korede Bashir Bute Systems Limited @_bashirk
  2. Meet Korede Bashir - 4 years working in IT -

    Cofounder/Software Engineer at Bute Systems Limited - 1.5 years as a Microsoft Student Partner - 8 months managing the DevC Akure community - Looking for gigs Korede Bashir Bute Systems Limited @_bashirk
  3. Detection result: detection_01 JSON: [ { "faceId": "b849d97d-0e36-43e9- bc9f-23267757583d", …

    {"emotion": { "anger": 0.0, "contempt": 0.0, "disgust": 0.0, "fear": 0.0, "happiness": 1.0, "neutral": 0.0, "sadness": 0.0, "surprise": 0.0 … }