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Gitlab CI - Der Fuchs im Schafspelz

June 27, 2019

Gitlab CI - Der Fuchs im Schafspelz

Der Kampf durch zahllose Konfigurationsseiten bei jedem Build-Job ist ein frustrierendes Erlebnis im Entwickleralltag. Pipeline-as-code vermeidet diese Frustration und sorgt gleichzeitig dafür, dass die CI-Pipeline immer zur Version der Applikation passt. Außer Pipeline-as-code bietet Gitlab CI gute Integrationsmöglichkeiten für eigene Docker-Services, die während der Pipeline benutzt werden können.

Der Talk bereitet kurz die Grundlagen von CI/CD auf und zeigt dann praktisch, wie man eine Pipeline für eine Spring-Boot Anwendung mit Integrations-Tests für Gitlab CI konzipiert. Nach der Demo erzählt Jonas, warum der Fuchs den alten Platzhirschen Jenkins bei uns verdrängt hat.


June 27, 2019

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  1. Benefits of Continuous Integration • Early feedback to developer •

    Improves bug detection • Improves collaboration • Visibility project status • Boosting Time-to-Market CC-BY Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen tfnico.com
  2. • Pipelines are versioned in the code repository • CI

    Server can be configured faster & easier to debug • Modularizable & Reusable Pipeline as Code
  3. • GitLab core is Open Source • Source Code Repository

    with integrated CI/CD service • Growing range of functions
  4. hello: #Job name image: alpine:latest #Docker image script: - echo

    "Hello World" #commands to run Hello World
  5. Stages stages: - build - test image: maven:3-jdk-11-slim #Docker image

    build: #Job name stage: build #dedicated stage script: - mvn clean package -DskipTests test: stage: test script: - mvn clean verify
  6. Cache #Global cache cache: paths: - .m2/repository build: stage: build

    script: - mvn clean package #Local cache build: stage: build script: - mvn clean package cache: paths: - .m2/repository
  7. Artifacts image: maven:3-jdk-11-slim build: stage: build script: - mvn clean

    package artifacts: #Artifact policy expire_in: 1 week paths: - target/*.jar #Artifact Path build-docker-images: stage: pack script: - docker -t ... build . - docker push ... dependencies: build #Marks dependencies # Job fails when artifacts have expired.
  8. YML-Anchor vs extends .deploy: &deploy stage: deploy script: - ...

    only: - master deploy-staging: <<: *deploy stage: deploy-staging after_script: - ... variables: envname: stage deploy-production: <<: *deploy stage: deploy-production before_script: - ... variables: envname: production .deploy: script: - ... only: - master deploy-staging: extends: .deploy stage: deploy-staging after_script: - ... variables: envname: stage deploy-production: extends: .deploy stage: deploy-production before_script: - ... variables: envname: production
  9. Services test: stage: test image: maven:3-jdk-11 script: - mvn clean

    package services: - name: postgres:9.6 alias: postgres variables: POSTGRES_DB: poll POSTGRES_PASSWORD: testing-password POSTGRES_USER: user cache: paths: - .m2/repository
  10. Start an other pipeline start-hello: stage: start-next image: appropriate/curl:latest script:

    - 'curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $CI_API_TOKEN” https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/{id}/pipeline?ref=master'
  11. • Pre-defined CI/CD configuration • Automatically detect, build, test, deploy,

    and monitor your applications. • Easy bootstrapping of K8s and your services • If you want to do something unusual, forget about auto devops. Auto DevOps
  12. Nächster Talk … talks.cosee.biz | blog.cosee.biz | @coseeaner | #coseetechtalks

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