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Docker in Software Development - Current State

Docker in Software Development - Current State


September 02, 2016

More Decks by berndfischer63

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  1. Who’s that guy? Passionate Java Developer (especially Spring Framework, Boot,

    Cloud, ...) Docker enthusiast Agile and Devops infected [email protected] @berndfischer63 JUG Saxony e.V., Docker Meetup Dresden CTO/Consultant/Developer MindApproach GmbH, Dresden [email protected]
  2. Agenda Docker@Dev-Current State Subjective views / personal opinions Using Docker

    in Software Development ◦ Complete life cycle (SDLC) ◦ Daily (development) activities ◦ Java, Backend, Web, ... Current State ◦ Review ◦ Reached Goals ◦ Hotspots, Alternatives (topics for today)
  3. Demo App 10000 Feet View Linux (Ubuntu 16.04.0-LTS / Alpine

    / ...) java -jar ... url username password JVM Application Spring Boot embedded Tomcat Database MySql
  4. Topic Dev Environment Local • Mac Book - OS X

    10.11 • Docker needs (L)unix (or Windows …)
  5. Topic Dev Environment Local • Mac Book - OS X

    10.11 • Docker needs (L)unix (or Windows …) • and now
  6. Topic Dev Environment Local Virtual Machine (Linux) Images Container Mac

    OS X Windows /Users /Users Docker Client Docker Daemon
  7. Demo App MySql - Container Docker Compose # docker-compose-01.yaml (snippet)

    mysql: image: mysql:5.7.14 environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=9876 - MYSQL_USER=test - MYSQL_PASSWORD=1234 - MYSQL_DATABASE=test volumes: - mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql
  8. Topic Dev Environment Local How to access Container from developer

    host (notebook)? Mac OS X: sudo route -n add 172.??.0.0/16 How to test? ping $(docker-printContainerIP tst_mysql_1)
  9. Topic Dev Environment Local How to access developer host (notebook)

    from container? Mac OS X: sudo route -n add 172.??.0.0/16 How to test? ip addr show en0 # get notebook ip docker exec -it tst_mysql_1 bash ping <notebook-ip>
  10. Topic Dev Environment Remote How to access Container from developer

    host (notebook)? docker run -d --name=sshd --net=tst_back -p 10022:22 rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd:14.04 ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -L 11122:tst_mysql_1:3306 [email protected] -p 10022 # another tab nc localhost 11122
  11. Demo App Docker Image - Manual # Dockerfile FROM frolvlad/alpine-oraclejdk8:cleaned

    MAINTAINER Bernd Fischer "[email protected]” ENV MODIFIED_AT 2016-04-06_1230 VOLUME /tmp WORKDIR /opt/ ADD @[email protected] /opt/@project.artifactId@ ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-jar", "-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom", "@project.artifactId@" ]
  12. Demo App Docker Image by Maven # Maven (snippet) <profile>

    <id>buildDockerImage</id> <build> <plugins> ... <plugin> <groupId>com.spotify</groupId> <artifactId>docker-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.3.5</version> <configuration> <imageName>mapp/ma-demo-helloworld-web</imageName> <imageTags> <imageTag>${project.version}</imageTag> </imageTags> ...
  13. Demo App Compostion # docker-compose-02.yaml (snippet) app: image: befi/demo-helloworld-web:latest networks:

    - back ports: - "8080:8080" environment: - MYSQL_HOSTNAME=mysql depends_on: - mysql mysql: ...
  14. Demo App Final Compostion # docker-compose-03.yaml (snippet) nginx: image: nginx:1.11.1

    ports: - "80:80" networks: - front app: image: befi/demo-helloworld-web:latest networks: - front - back ... mysql: ...
  15. Demo App Jenkins Pipeline // Jenkinsfile stage name: 'QS Gate

    1 - Build and Test Web Application', concurrency: 1 node { git url: 'https://gitlab.com/ma-demo/demo-helloworld-web.git' def mvnHome = tool 'M3.3.9' sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn clean package -DskipTests=true" } stage name: 'QS Gate 2 - Build DockerImage', concurrency: 1 node { ... sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn resources:copy-resources docker:build \ -PbuildDockerImage" sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn docker:tag -PtagDockerImage \ -DdockerRegistry=${env.DOCKER_REGISTRY}" ... }
  16. Topic Architecture mismatch between several “framework ecosystems” drying to solve

    same task differentely i.e. task: App-Distribution / Cloud • infrastrcuture level ◦ Docker … • application level ◦ Application Server i.e. JBoss, IBM Websphere, Oracle Weblogic, ...
  17. Topic Architecture mismatch between “classical” application design and “running” containers

    ◦ Init Systems ◦ Start Order ◦ Patching Systems/Applications … ◦ Containers aren’t VM’s ◦ Backup / Recovery ◦ ...
  18. Topic Dev Environment Local Docker runs not natively on Win

    (?) or OS X … Usually we need a Linux VM ...
  19. Topic Dev Environment Local Virtual Machine (Linux) Images Container Mac

    OS X Windows /Users /Users Docker Client Docker Daemon
  20. Topic Dev Environment Local Create Docker host Paradigm: Same environment

    every where ◦ Docker Toolbox / Docker for Mac / Windows ▪ only one “host/vm” …??? ◦ Docker Machine ▪ ready to use, remote providers ▪ no control about host config ◦ Vagrant (+ CM like Ansible) ▪ not so simple but highly customizable ▪ more expensive work
  21. Topic Environment Global Paradigm: Same environment everywhere ◦ Docker Host

    ◦ Boot2Docker for local dev ◦ ??? on Digital Ocean ◦ ??? on AWS ◦ CoreOS on ??? ◦ control which software runs on which “place” ◦ Packer + Vagrant + Ansible
  22. Topic Dev Environment Local Shared Folder ◦ Virtualization Provider and

    their file systems ▪ Virtualbox ▪ Parallels ▪ Xhyve (Mac), Hyper-V (Win) ◦ NFS ??? ◦ ??? ◦ sync files and their changes between host and vm ◦ permission differences between host and vm (Win?)
  23. Topic Docker Images Life Cycle Naming ◦ is terrible …

    ◦ Fqn contains registry url - but this is a “storage place”, nothing more ◦ “latest” ??? !!! ◦ no real common style (compared i.e. with Artifact naming defined by Maven)
  24. Topic Docker Images Life Cycle Creating … ◦ Dockerfile ▪

    syntax …. ▪ layering rules … ▪ defining and handling of dependencies between images ??? ◦ docker commit ??? ▪ via Ansible, Packer or others?
  25. Topic Stateful Services … Part1 ◦ life cycle difference between

    “container” and “persistent data” ◦ some applications has special needs ... ◦ some applications provide own “solution” ▪ sometimes good ones like using S3, but sometimes not ...
  26. Topic Stateful Services … Part2 ◦ “Data Container” ◦ “Host

    Volume” ▪ one host ▪ “Data Replication (rsync, Bittorrent, …) ▪ Network Filesystems (NFS, GlusterFS, ◦ “Container Runtime Storage” ◦ “Storage Drivers” ▪ Flocker (ClusterHQ) ▪ Rex-Ray ▪ Convoy (?)
  27. Topic Application Configuration ◦ Manual via Environment Variables ▪ Docker-Compose-File

    or similar config ... ▪ consider > 1 stages ◦ Config files in Host folder ▪ may be prepared and distributed via Config Managament like Ansible ◦ Config Server ▪ Spring Cloud / Config
  28. Topic Distribution of Secrets Private keys, passwords, … ◦ Environment

    variables like in my example? ▪ not a good idea ... ◦ Volumes based on Host Folders ? ▪ a little bit better, but not so flexible ◦ Secret Stores ▪ Keywhiz ▪ Hashicorp Vault ◦ Mutual Authentication necessary …???
  29. Lessons Learned Development Tools/Compoments Build-Systems, Compiler, Databases, ... Packaging and

    Deploying similar “enviroments” over all stages (dev, tst, prd)
  30. Links ... • [Gra01] J. Gray, A Conversation with Werner

    Vogels: Learning form the Amazon technology platform, 2006, siehe: https://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=1142065 • [HuFa01] Jez Humble, David Farley, Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test and Deployment Automation, 2010, Addison-Wesley • [Fow01]: Infrastructure As Code - http://www.martinfowler.com/bliki/InfrastructureAsCode.html • [Fow02]: Immutable Server - http://www.martinfowler.com/bliki/ImmutableServer.html • [Fow03]: Phoenix Server - http://www.martinfowler.com/bliki/PhoenixServer.html • • [Do01] Docker Homepage https://www.docker.com/ • [Do02] Docker Hub https://hub.docker.com/ • [Do03] Docker Engine https://github.com/docker/docker • [Do04] Docker Machine https://github.com/docker/machine • [Do05] Docker Compose https://github.com/docker/compose • [Do06] Docker Toolbox https://github.com/docker/toolbox • • [Http01] Httpie Homepage http://httpie.org/ •
  31. Links ... • [RHu01] Docker-Maven-Plugin https://github.com/rhuss/docker-maven-plugin • [RHus02] Docker Maven

    Plugin Shootout: https://github.com/rhuss/shootout-docker-maven • [Spo01] Docker-Maven-Plugin https://github.com/spotify/docker-maven-plugin • • [Bro01] http://dw.connect.sys-con.com/session/2838/Aaron_Brongersma.pdf • [ZZug01] https://zwischenzugs.wordpress.com/2016/07/08/a-checklist-for-docker-in-the-enterprise/ • • [Ma01] https://gitlab.com/ma-demo/demo-helloworld-web • EOL