Don’t use motherhood statements 3. INTRO: Don’t state your system in the first paragraph 4. INTRO: Don’t just cite papers on your own study system/ species. 5. INTRO: Don’t undersell 6. INTRO: Don’t oversell 7. INTRO: QuesMons/alternaMves are oNen bePer than predicMons. 8. RESULTS/DISCUSSION: organize around your predicMons/ quesMons/alternaMves. 9. FIGURES: directly address the predicMons/quesMons/ alternaMves – or show other strong trends/effects.
The CEEB retreat at MSH 2013 A mulMyear test for whether departmental ecology and evoluMon retreats increase the number of collaboraMve grants and papers relaMve to departments without retreats, with a consideraMon of addiMonal contribuMng factors including alchohol consumpMon and cost The role of departmental retreats in fostering profitable interacMon: CEEB MSH 2013
and are intended to foster interacMon and collaboraMon among faculty, staff, and students. They …. OTHER BASIC STUFF ABOUT RETREATS OVER SEVERAL SENTENCES. Establishing generality Introducing a problem to solve Despite the near universality of retreats and frequent encouragement, inducements, and appeals to aPend them, their success in fostering interacMon has never been formally tested. MORE ABOUT WHY FORMAL TEST IS IMPORTANT. In the present paper, we provide an analysis of the effecMveness of retreats in increasing interacMon. An appropriate test for the effecMveness of retreats would involve an isolated locaMon, replicaMon (across years or departments), controls (departments without retreats), and a before versus aNer objecMve measure of profitable interacMon (joint grants and publicaMons). MORE ABOUT WHY THESE ARE IMPORTANT. We implement all of these elements for the CEEB retreat held at MSH. Establishing value to your design
and are intended to foster interacMon and collaboraMon among faculty, staff, and students. They …. OTHER BASIC STUFF ABOUT RETREATS OVER SEVERAL SENTENCES. Establishing generality An important quesMon in universiMes is the value of departmental retreats. The CEEB faculty retreat has been held for 10 years in hopes of increasing department interacMon but its effecMveness has never been assessed.
to solve Despite the near universality of retreats and frequent encouragement, inducements, and appeals to aPend them, their success in fostering interacMon has never been formally tested. MORE ABOUT WHY FORMAL TEST IS IMPORTANT. In the present paper, we provide an analysis of the effecMveness of retreats in increasing interacMon. Departmental retreats could increase departmental and university rankings because BLAH BLAH BLAH McGill University and the Department of Biology have received severe pay cuts and so it is important to know if the direct costs of a retreat are offset by the indirect benefits
and are intended to foster interacMon and collaboraMon among faculty, staff, and students. They …. OTHER BASIC STUFF ABOUT RETREATS OVER SEVERAL SENTENCES. Establishing generality Introducing a problem to solve Despite the near universality of retreats and frequent encouragement, inducements, and appeals to aPend them, their success in fostering interacMon has never been formally tested. MORE ABOUT WHY FORMAL TEST IS IMPORTANT. In the present paper, we provide an analysis of the effecMveness of retreats in increasing interacMon. An appropriate test for the effecMveness of retreats would involve an isolated locaMon, replicaMon (across years or departments), controls (departments without retreats), and a before versus aNer objecMve measure of profitable interacMon (joint grants and publicaMons). MORE ABOUT WHY THESE ARE IMPORTANT. We implement all of these elements for the CEEB retreat held at MSH. Establishing value to your design
background More specific background Even more specific background McGill is … CEEB is … Background on CEEB retreat history – variaMon among years, etc. More specifics about how the retreat works in real Mme
do generally State what you will do specifically PredicMons/ quesMons/ alternaMves We analyze the effecMveness of the CEEB retreat in fostering interacMon in a controlled and replicated before versus aNer comparison. We analyze the number of collaboraMve grants and papers iniMated in the three months before versus three months aNer the CEEB retreat in each of 10 years, with a comparison to the MAC campus, which does not retreat. If the CEEB retreat fosters interacMons in a profitable way, we expect that the number of collaboraMve grants iniMated will increase immediately aNer the retreat and that the number of collaboraMve papers will too.
interacMons in a profitable way, we expect that the number of collaboraMve grants iniMated will increase immediately aNer the retreat and that the number of collaboraMve papers will too. We predicted that the CEEB retreat would increase the number of collaboraMve proposals and papers. PosiMve interacMons → increased proposals and papers NegaMve interacMons → decreased proposals and papers No effects or offsemng → no effect on proposals and papers We asked whether or not retreats increase the number of collaboraMve proposals and papers. The last paragraph If – Then approaches often work well
both (ideally) be organized around your predicMons/quesMons/alternaMves. Results 1. General stuff (no subheading) 2. Do retreats increase collaboraMve grant applicaMons? 3. Do retreats increase collaboraMve paper submissions?
both (ideally) be organized around your predicMons/quesMons/alternaMves. 2. Figures should directly address the predicMons/quesMons/ alternaMves – or show other strong trends/effects. These figures should be beauMful – go to the other workshop for more info. 0 2 4 6 8 10 CEEB MAC Before ANer CollaboraMve grants 0 2 4 6 8 10 CEEB MAC Before ANer CollaboraMve papers
both (ideally) be organized around your predicMons/quesMons/alternaMves. 2. Figures should directly address the predicMons/quesMons/ alternaMves – or show other strong trends/effects. These figures should be beauMful – go to the other workshop for more info. 3. If you show other things (not outlined in the intro) – only show strong effects. All other effects just sit in Tables. CollaboraMons (ANer -‐ before) Whisky (ml/person)
both (ideally) be organized around your predicMons/quesMons/alternaMves. Discussion 1. Remind reader of the quesMon and provide very general summary of results 2. The quesMons a) Do retreats increase collaboraMve grant applicaMons? b) Do retreats increase collaboraMve paper submissions? c) Other interesMng effects – if any 3. ImplicaMons: return to first three paragraph of the discussion
Don’t use motherhood statements 3. INTRO: Don’t state your system in the first paragraph 4. INTRO: Don’t just cite papers on your own study system/ species. 5. INTRO: Don’t undersell 6. INTRO: Don’t oversell 7. INTRO: QuesMons/alternaMves are oNen bePer than predicMons. 8. RESULTS/DISCUSSION: organize around your predicMons/ quesMons/alternaMves. 9. FIGURES: directly address the predicMons/quesMons/ alternaMves – or show other strong trends/effects.