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ISC Community Call - Metrics, Value & ROI

April 06, 2021

ISC Community Call - Metrics, Value & ROI

About this Event
In this session we will be joined by Joe Patrao from Bloomberg and Daniel Izquierdo from Bitergia, who will be sharing their experiences of how to measure the success of your InnerSource implementation.

After the talks we will be facilitating a discussion on the topic that will be held under the Chatham House Rule. Join us to discuss challenges and learn about best practices in this space.


[05 mins] Welcome
[10 mins] Daniel Izquierdo (Bitergia): In this session, Daniel will share how organisations can choose the right metrics to reflect their InnerSource strategy.
[15 mins] Joe Patrao (Bloomberg): Every company is different and every InnerSource project comes with its own unique set of challenges. At Bloomberg, we encountered one such challenge. We used data to track some characteristics of our InnerSource contribution process, such as Mean Time To Merge, Pull-Request Engagement, etc.. Coupled with some process changes, our data-driven approach helped our InnerSource project grow. We will share some of the obstacles we faced and the lessons we learned from our experience.
[30 mins] Community Discussion: This part of the community call will be held under the Chatham House Rule. Participants will be free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. This part of the event will not be recorded.


April 06, 2021

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  1. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Share this! @Bitergia Metrics, Value &

    ROI Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar ISC Community Call April 2021 #innersource #business
  2. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Goal Question Metric Metric #1 Question

    #1 GOAL #1 Question #2 Metric #2 Metric #3 Metric #1
  3. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Goal: Increase InnerSource projects engagement within

    the organization Question #1: Which projects contributors/BUs interacts most with? Question #2: What is the general trend my contributors follow across data sources? Question #3: What path are my contributors following when getting involved with InnerSource projects? Proposed panels: engagement panel, lifecycle, network analysis
  4. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Goal: Increase InnerSource projects engagement within

    the organization Question #1: Which projects contributors/BUs interacts most with? Question #2: What is the general trend my contributors follow across data sources? Question #3: What path are my contributors following when getting involved with InnerSource projects? Proposed panels: engagement panel, lifecycle, network analysis
  5. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Each dot is a developer Each

    star full of dots is a project (blue square in the middle) There’s an edge pink-dot ⇔ blue square if a dev. contributes at least 1 commit to that project From Art to Science: The Evolution of Community Development Diane Mueller, Daniel Izquierdo IEEE Software 2019
  6. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Newcomers joining to BUs different from

    theirs Retention rate Projects with the highest number of devs. working in other projects Developers: centrality, specialized, networking
  7. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia InnerSource Commons Metrics Strategy Book http://innersourcecommons.org/resources/books/

    Summit Sessions @ YT https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSPSd6Or4F_vpjo4SmyoEA Join the Discussion! http://innersourcecommons.org/slack
  8. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Bitergia Share this! @bitergia Let’s go

    for questions About me: Daniel Izquierdo <dizquierdo@bitergia.com> Director of Consulting @ Bitergia @dizquierdo