The Digital Responsibility initiative
"Are you what you sign ?”
Project context:
Online services, businesses and SMEs grab our personal data to the cloud. The data therefore no longer on internal
networks, but in a cloud often located abroad.
We organizers and expert speeches a panel discussion on the use of cloud services from the point of view of data
protection, with privacy focus about theses strategic data
During the "European Privacy Day 201 6", in January 28th, we announce launch http://Responsibility.Digital at "Cloud
Computing & Safe-Harbor” conference: http://www.unil.ch/getactu/wwwidheap/1452067243690/ at IDHEAP ( Faculty of
Law, Criminal Science and Public Administration of Lausanne University)
Event photos:
All FR presentations:
- Make an easy visualization tools for users, to make them understand issues of cloud terms of use.
- Using Crowdsourcing & Blockchain to ensure transparency & perennity of the data.
- Economic & credibility model
- Open & tolerant
- Scalable (adaptive & adaptable)
We want to put a visible "cost" also for ”free” services ! To "You are what you Sign!”: http://1drv.ms/1 NA6pqK
My goal inform and motive you tojoin our open initiative "3