Tools: ➢ Reliable Internet connection ➢ A good laptop: ▪ 8 GB RAM or more ▪ 8 GB of available disk space minimum (IDE + Android SDK + Android Emulator)
is kotlin first. ❖ Kotlin Learning materials at site ❖ Note: Kotlin is used in more than just Android. There is Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile(KMM), Server side, Web frontend(Kotlin/JS), Android and much more. But should I do not have to learn all this? Nope! For the start just focus on Kotlin for Android. 😃
❖ Online courses: Udemy, Pluralsight, Coursera ❖ GADS Scholarship offered by Google in partnership with Pluralsight ➢ Android, Cloud, Mobile Web ➢ Check this hashtag on Twitter. #GADS ❖ Bootcamps ❖ Youtube Videos, Blogs(Medium, Hashnode,, etc)
Starting with simple ones, and gradually increasing complexity. Be consistent. ❖ Write about it, Share what you are learning. ➢ #BuildingInPublic ❖ Join a developers community ➢ Learning from others ➢ Getting assistance when you get stuck ➢ Mentorship ❖ Android Communities ➢ Android254, KotlinKenya, Droidettes etc.
imposter syndrome. ❖ Be aware when you are experiencing it. ❖ Is the feature taking so long or very complex that you are starting to doubt yourself? ➢ Break down the feature into small manager tasks. Completing the smaller tasks is a motivation boost. ❖ Something new you do not know where to start? ➢ Remember, it’s okay to ask for help
can share the frustrations and learning. ❖ Keep track of your achievements. ➢ Keep a brag document. ➢ Brag Document and sample template links in the resources slide.