Summary of the DroidCon 2018 conference in Berlin.
It was the biggest one to date with 1200+ Attendees and 100+ sessions. We took part in as many sessions as we could and these are our thoughts.
libraries, DSL - ⅕ - Gradle performance improvements / tweaks - ⅕ - Android for business / Chromebooks - ⅕ - RxJava must die, get rid of Java style in Kotlin - ⅕ - Commercial e.g. Huawei AI, Google Cloud etc.
Flutter Apps - Hired by google to write flutter cookbook - layered, modular, testable, SOLID - StatefulWidget Brian Egan Groupon - Showcase app Tomek Polanski - How he convinced Groupon to write Flutter app - Started from scratch - Success story
Prepare Android apps for Chromebooks - Touchpad gestures - Be ready for keyboard/mouse support (keyboard shortcuts, arrows, mouse right click) - Stylus support - Dynamic window management (resizing) - ChromeOS emulator - AndroidStudio for ChromeOS (works only PixelBooks as of now) - - medium Kenneth Ford
use it even for simple event handling (e.g. on clicks) tasks or API request - Rx should be used only for handling complex streams of data - Rx introduces new kinds of issues if you don’t use it daily - You can easily use coroutines instead of Rx - Created in times of Java 6; not-needed while Java 8/Kotlin is available - proactively ask the question: is this a reactive scenario? - It’s harder to write unit tests when you use RX If possible, use native tools, like Coroutines in Kotlin, LiveData, etc.
- developed by Facebook - like SQL for data - GraphSQL vs REST - you get only what you want - single endpoint: /graphql - Presentation about UFO sightings ;) CHEATSHEET - link Annyce Davis
fonts - EmojiAppCompat usage - EmojiTextViewHelper for customs views - Downloadable fonts (from Google resources, can be downloaded during app installation) - TextView auto-sizing (width and height shouldn’t be wrap_content) Anita Singh
DECENTRALIZED APPS WORLD” - you're told who the user is - only the user can decrypt the data - decentralized app: authentication & encryption & storage - S3-like storage - keys generated on device - GDPR world in European Union - Facebook “leaks” Friedger Müffke APPLICATION STORE:
GitLab team around the world - Run a “daily”, not project related, to talk about personal life and get to know one another - They run a blog - link Job van der Voort HOW TO RUN A COMPANY GUIDE: HANDBOOK Onboarding - link Hiring - link Spending company money - link