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We fail to follow SemVer – and why it needn’t m...

We fail to follow SemVer – and why it needn’t matter

If extensive libraries and even the tiniest module followed SemVer strictly, dependency hell would be a thing of the past … but humans weren’t made to follow rules.

There are over 125.000 packages on npm today. By the time of this unconference, at least another 5.000 will have been added. Using the right packages in your own modules and applications makes JavaScript the joy to develop it is today. But if even immensely popular libraries fail to properly declare breaking changes, how can we trust the over 50.000 strangers who developed all these modules? Currently we can’t. Let me show you how to write confidence-inspiring modules by leaving package publishing up to the machines – instead of buggy humans.

Stephan Bönnemann

April 26, 2015

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  1. You may just improvise new numbers from your mood on

    that day. The only important thing, is that the version number must be meaningful to you, the author. — Dominic Tarr, sentimentalversioning.org JS Unconf 2015 – @boennemann