this AM; ground already soaked & mud starting from heavy fog - very wasteful, anything you can do? @cydharrell: thanks, we'll look into it, your ticket number is xxxxxx …about 45 minutes…
came out of the teams. Many of the taxi solutions were very innovative and will likely play a role...overall super happy how things went and I think it reinforces the importance of design thinking in addressing long-standing civic and social issues. --Jay Nath, SF CIO
17, Paris Boston Baseball Hack Day, March 24, Boston Transporter Hackathon/Designathon, March 24, San Francisco Hack On the Record (National Archives Hackathon), March 24-25, Richmond, UK OK Open Data Hackathon, April 13-15, Tulsa Tech Week Open Gov Hackathon, April 28, Philadelphia Voting Information Project Hackathon, April 30, Arlington Transparency Camp Hackathon, April 30, Arlington SHOW UP HERE