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That One Script You Wrote is Now a Platform

Richard Bown
November 24, 2023

That One Script You Wrote is Now a Platform

Discussing how Conway's Law impacts our architecture and how organisational constraints can become product opportunities for platform teams.

Richard Bown

November 24, 2023

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  1. Richard BOWN That One Script You Wrote Is Now a

    Platform DevOops Meetup #4 - 22 November 2023
  2. Consulting DevOps Engineer Likes: • Building (internal) products • DevOps,

    CI/CD, Automation, TDD, DDD • Socio-technical systems Dislikes: • Big transformations • Repeated, error-prone manual processes • Brittle pipelines • Writing more code than absolutely necessary RICHARD BOWN
  3. me (this morning) “A platform isn’t always planned. It can

    be an engineering reaction to an organisational constraint.”
  4. What Is a Platform Team and What Problems Do They

    Solve? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5M16qooAvo What Is a Platform Team and What Problems Do They Solve? Armon Dadgar
  5. “If the architecture of the system and the architecture of

    the organization are at odds, the architecture of the organization wins.” Ruth Malan (@visarch) Mel Conway
  6. Anti-Patterns of Platform Teams Jack of All Trades - too

    many services, not able to adequately provide them. Overloaded - too many teams to support, staff rotate rapidly including PO/PM, management unaware of what to do Fortress - behind their walls, they do what they like, poorly maintained tools are thrown to teams. Management often not in the loop Abandoned - setup by a small group in the past to do the right thing but now drifting with unclear responsibilities but a wide user base Well-Intentioned - a fully designed platform which is hard to use (Ivory Tower of Dave Farley) Organic - a platform has appeared from the mists. (Design by Accident of DF)
  7. Bown’s Tips for Successful Platform Teams #2 Define Your Customer

    Focus on User Experience Self-Service as Possible Thinnest Viable Platform Richard Bown 2023 - richardwbown.com Product Thinking
  8. Recognise Conway’s Law and Cognitive Load. Define your boundaries. Protect

    your service levels. Actively reduce scope. Bown’s Tips for Successful Platform Teams #3 Richard Bown 2023 - richardwbown.com