18:25 Live and Let Patch - Overview of the Livepatch rebootless kernel update technology - Igor Ljubuncic 18:55 Q&A. 19:00 Refreshment break (food for vegetarians, vegans and everyone, thanks to Canonical). 19:15 One Build to Rule Them All - Software development made easy with snaps - Igor Ljubuncic 19:55 Q&A. 20:00 Hands-on Demo with snaps and the Raspberry Pi - Igor Ljubuncic 20:30 Q&A. 20:40 Community slot and free raffle, then continue Q&A in the Skills Matter bar over a soft drink. We must vacate the room by 20:50
no racism, no sexism, no xenophobia, no homophobia, no transphobia, no misogyny, etc. and please really respect others. If you feel like being rude, don’t!!
it is purely a voluntary effort.** **If you feel you might be able to help out, please see Brian. Social skills are more important than technical genius!
18:25 Live and Let Patch - Overview of the Livepatch rebootless kernel update technology - Igor Ljubuncic 18:55 Q&A. 19:00 Refreshment break (food for vegetarians, vegans and everyone, thanks to Canonical). 19:15 One Build to Rule Them All - Software development made easy with snaps - Igor Ljubuncic 19:55 Q&A. 20:00 Hands-on Demo with snaps and the Raspberry Pi - Igor Ljubuncic 20:30 Q&A. 20:40 Community slot and free raffle, then continue Q&A in the Skills Matter bar over a soft drink. We must vacate the room by 20:50